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perthzed 28-04-2010 11:38 AM

IP address question
I'm trying to use an IP address instead of the website name e.g instead of [url][/url] I want to put into the address bar of my browser it's IP address, which is (I think) If I ping [url][/url] I get that address and also if I use this website [url][/url] it gives me the same IP address. yetif I put in the IP address, it doesn't display the webpage. I've tried this for numerous sites and the same issue. I thought the internet name was just a substitute for an IP address? Can anyone help!?

tuna 28-04-2010 11:53 AM

website hosts use host-headers to redirect traffic.

perth-wrx is an example. the IP it presents on is actually used by a number of different websites from westnet.

Shodown 28-04-2010 12:21 PM

it can be done.....but the server software (apache / iis / flavour of choice here) will need to be configured. If you are hosting the site yourself, easy enough. If your hosting through a web site hosting company, impossible - they will not do it. They will have 1000's of sites all sharing the same IP(s)..... I know they did at the company I worked at previously.

perthzed 28-04-2010 12:44 PM

Ah Ok cool, thanks.

The reason why I was asking is because I'm trying to access a website, but their old site comes up instead of their new one. Their new one opens up when I use my home PC. I can go through the server team (which will take at least a week) is there a quick fix I can do on my PC. It's something to do with the DNS cache on the DNS server?? I tried doing ipconfig /dnsflush, but no luck. Does something need to be done on the DNS server?

jezzamcbezza 28-04-2010 01:04 PM

refresh browser? clear cache?

Josh 28-04-2010 01:10 PM

DNS server will need to update and your proxy server may be caching the results.

Shodown 28-04-2010 01:13 PM

Question: Has the web site moved servers/ISP's ?

If so, you need to make sure that the old host/ISP has removed the DNS records & Website from there servers!!

Otherwise, you could be in a situation where once of our clients was. 3 months after there "new" site went live, people on iiNet were still seeing their OLD website. Anyone else with any other ISP saw their new site. The client had not advised iiNet (and we legally cannot action this on their behalf) yet of course the clients first course of action was to blame us....

ipconfig /dnsflush only flushes the DNS cache on the PC you type it. And all that essentially does, it remove any cached entries of names-to-ip resolutions (e.g. = If the site has simply been overwritten by a newer version, the effect should be instantaneous unless it is being cached by your ISP. This should sort itself within 12-48 hours max.

Try using an online web proxy to see what version of the website it sees.

Server teams are generally nightmare to deal with, unless you speak geek - Even then, sometimes you have to deal with the helpdesk monkeys who dont know their ass from their elbow.....

smerm07 28-04-2010 01:16 PM

i think you mean ipconfig /flushdns ;)

Shodown 28-04-2010 01:19 PM

i think you mean ipconfig /flushdns ;)[/QUOTE]

lol, fair call, i carried over OP's error :D

saturation 28-04-2010 02:18 PM

in Internet options in IE under browsing history --> Settings, choose always check for a newer version : everytime I visit.

That should help as well for future.

Shodown, has covered what seems to be your issue. Alternate to a web proxy is to use another public DNS. try

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