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ImPreSiV 08-06-2007 01:08 PM

$10 on Kato

Sketchey 08-06-2007 01:14 PM

You're my hero Kato, I wish I could know of every post just like you. What's your secret? Do you print every post and hang it on the back of your toilet door?

So I'm sorry that after having been a member since....ooh Feb this year....I am unaware of the historical nature of this post. But if you have any tips on how I can read every single post ever made on this forum please enlighten me.

ImPreSiV 08-06-2007 01:19 PM

here's a tip n00b..

if it happend 3 years ago, we already discussed it.. move on...

Chrus 08-06-2007 01:21 PM


Kato got PWNED :D

<3 Kato

pete gopal 08-06-2007 01:22 PM

geeez guys be's friday, im sure you've been a noob too, not like we are born pros :D . If u haven't got anything nice to say then don't say it. I think we need to have some anger management on pwrx:)

Sketchey 08-06-2007 01:24 PM

[QUOTE=ImPreSiV]here's a tip n00b..

if it happend 3 years ago, we already discussed it.. move on...[/QUOTE]

i'm quite happy to move on...if its an old post all you have to do is post something like muggz did, no need to be a keyboard warrior like kato and get all shirty...pretty simple really.

ImPreSiV 08-06-2007 01:28 PM

i didnt get shirty until you started abusing someone i consider a mate.

i suggest for ur future internet readings you try this website... [url][/url]

thanks for coming.

Kato 08-06-2007 01:30 PM

[QUOTE=Sketchey]You're my hero Kato, I wish I could know of every post just like you. What's your secret? Do you print every post and hang it on the back of your toilet door?

So I'm sorry that after having been a member since....ooh Feb this year....I am unaware of the historical nature of this post. But if you have any tips on how I can read every single post ever made on this forum please enlighten me.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... Never thought to hang printouts of my posts on the toilet door. Thanks for the idea! :D I like to stroke my ego. (Leaves easy retaliation comment there)

What I and others are getting at is you have posted up some very, very old news with the comment 'Discuss'.

If you look at the article, right up the top it says when it was posted to the other website.

Here's a copy:

That's right 5/6/2004. It would be like me posting pictures of an MY01 and going 'discuss'. I'd get flamed so hard there would be a Kato BBQ for weeks on end.

Now please remember this is the internet. We are all keyboard warriors and will fight till our fingers are sore. Don't take it personally and all is well, otherwise you'll end up as an emo crying in the corner.

Now, to start printing out those posts...

ImPreSiV 08-06-2007 01:32 PM

yes Kato made a good point.

to save yourself in the future, try the search button.. if you can't find it in there, post away, but if its 3 years old, chances are it has been spoken about somewhere, or we have all seen it.

Teh interwebz is serious buzness...

BOMB3R 08-06-2007 01:33 PM

Come on children play nice now. Kato bbq yum!

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