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jEstEr? 29-07-2008 04:14 PM

New P Plate laws
I was in contact today with a reporter from the West Australian in regards to our thoughts on new laws and stuff that apparently Premier Alan Carpenter is planning on pushing through to crack down on P Plater drivers crashing into vans carrying Nuns, babies and Puppies and causing the holocaust etc.

I don't watch TV or read the news papers etc because I hate the media and the way they twist information and lie, and so after searching the intertron i found the below article that doesn't say very much:


Basically from what I can see P platers are going to be restricted to driving a camira between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Anyway, the reporter asked me to ask the members of our forum their thoughts. It sounds like he is hoping we are all outraged and will have riots etc, but after the last few threads I was basically of the opinion that the majority of people who had alreadyc ompleted their P platers agreed, and the people on their P plates were the only ones having tears.

If people could please post their responses to the questiones posed by the reporter (below) and keep off topic chatter out of here. So basically Ja50n don't bother posting because your a waste of space.

[quote]1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?
2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?
3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?
4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads?[/quote]

NVRENUF 29-07-2008 04:30 PM

I think it is a Good idea. power restrictions should be placed on P Platers.
Time of day well not so much as some may work odd hours bit unfair.

AWDmoke 29-07-2008 04:36 PM

1. I believe it is a step forward, but we should not invent a new classification, just adopt the most workable from another state & avoid repeating their mistakes. We are supposed to be working towards a national standard.
2. It may not cut the number of accidents, but am sure it will reduce the number of fatalities from high speed impacts.
3. All P platers are going to be irresponsible at some time. I know I was.
4. More extensive driver training, especially skid pan & controlled environment conditions. Also encourage more participation in "grass roots" motorsport as an alternative outlet to testing yourself/car out on public roads i.e. motorkahnas, hillclimbs, track days. Cheap classifications where kids can actually afford to take their own cars & have fun without risking others. Taxpayers' money thrown at V8 Supercars does nothing to reduce the road toll.

vyper 29-07-2008 04:43 PM

[B]1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?[/B]

It's a bandaid solution. Any car can do 120 km/h down North Lake Rd if it really wants to.

[B]2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?[/B]

Definately not. Education is the key. Restrictions are bandaid after bandaid solutions. Our box of bandaids is running out.

[B]3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?[/B]

It is judgemental stereotyping. It's not just P platers having accidents, and I wouldn't be suprised if older cars (read: commodores) tipped the scales when it comes to fatalities.

[B]4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads? [/B]

- Compulsory driver training and defensive driving courses.
- Increase in log book driving time requirements.
- Harsher testing and licensing procedures.

It's too easy to get a license on today's roads. There are too many incapable and inexperienced drivers getting their license with minimal effort. Make it tough and make sure they prove themselves worthy.

Kato 29-07-2008 04:50 PM

1. Limiting cars is stupid. Having a power to weight ratio would be benificial and stop any car makes falling through the gaps.

2. No. Idiot will go fast and take chances on a scooter if that is all they can drive.

3. Where are the stats of these so called p-platers in high powered cars being irresponsible? I think it is more Today Tonight making those claims. I'm sure a lot of deaths and injuries for p-platers in cars are done in 4 cylinders and 6 cylinders. Not many p-platers can afford high powered cars.

4. More driver training and visable police presence on the road. Also not just targeting speeding (and giving the myth that sitting under the speed limit means you are safe). Start targetting the tailgaters, lane hogs and the like.

Also, I'm sure the government could help sponsor more 'blue light' drags/driving days. Make it cheap and people will go there. Make it expensive and people will just go do it on the street.

impreza_GT 29-07-2008 04:50 PM

Alan Carpenter's plans in my opinion it will definately help the cause however there are two other major factors which can be linked back to the causes of deaths and accidents on our roads. (and they aren't necessarily aimed just at p plate drivers). First driver attitude. Careless and wreckless actions are not directly linked to owners of powerful vehicles. It has more to do with lack of maturity and lack of responsibility. People that fit into this category, are an extreme danger to the rest of the population. They dont need a high powered vehicle to be wreckless and irresponsible. Amongst this group of p plate drivers, the main reasons for these selfish behaviours is adrenalin and or trying to impress. The idea of not allowing p plate driver to have passengers, i feel would contribute immensly to make the roads a safer place as it would give them less reason to drive in a foolish manner. Secondly is driver capabilites. I feel it is too easy for one to obtain a drivers licence these days. Unfortunately you cannot learn to be an adequate enough driver for all conditions and circumstances by reading a book or doing hours in extremely controlled environments. Better and more realistic driver training is needed to teach p plate drivers how to react in worse case scenarios. Whilst training like this is available, I feel it needs to be made compulsory. Also it is not fair to categorise all p plate drivers into the same careless and irresponsible stereo type and unfortunately the innocent will suffer with the plans for curfews and passenger limitations. But in order to save lives and makes our roads safer these proposed new laws are an extremely small price to pay.

My 2c

ITGRIPS 29-07-2008 04:52 PM

[B]1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?[/B]

depending on how its done it may be of benefit... as has been said in another thread, some of the std NA 4cyl/6cyl cars these days put out as much horsepower as a turbo'd/V8 car did 10 years ago. a std VL V8 commodore puts out 120kw at the engine, a std toyota aurion puts out 200kw at the engine? what are they going to take into account? just because it has a turbo, or a V8 it's a no go?
it doesn't really matter what car people drive, if they have the wrong attitude, they'll get into trouble. you can lose control in any car.

[B]2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?[/B]

probably not. peoples attitudes, not just young, need changing more than a vehicle restriction

[B]3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?[/B]

it's the medias fault that "joe public" feels this way. the way the media report these accidents is mostly over exagerated, especially when they "assume" the car was "drag racing" or "hooning" without any proof. the media are great at generalising and grouping all performance cars in the same basket

[B]4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads?[/B]

driver training, attitude training. start them young, say the start of high school and prepare them for the coming driving years. show them accident scenes, take them to hospitals, bring police/ambo's into schools to tell them first hand what happens as a result of stupidity

JA50N 29-07-2008 04:58 PM

I'll reply my honest answers. If you don't like, be a hero moderator and delete.

1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?
Excellent idea. Because 'P' platers are becoming road fatality statistics every weekend. There's no point to prove if your car takes 15 seconds to get to a 100km/h in a 70km/h zone.

2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?
Absolutely. And make the penalties harsh if they are caught driving the wrong type of car or at the wrong time. They are only P platers for 2 years. Then they can spend the next 70+ years driving performance cars.

3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?
I totally agree. I read/see/hear about too many deaths involving P platers. Its a tragic waste of young life, most pictures show to be cars with too much power for young drivers, especially in different road conditions (wet etc.). But it's a problem for all ages. There's constantly also middle aged men dying in performance cars.

4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads?
Tough penalties. Convicted Drink Drivers should lose their license's for ever. People who speed and kill innocent people should get put in a cell and the key thrown away. Flogging and capital punishment should also be brought back. No I've never drunk & drove, no I've never killed anyone, yes I've hooned as a P plater and if the flogging was still here, I would have throughly deserved it. Penalties are way too soft, and for what I could have done to a innocent family being a idiot behind the wheel, a wreckless driving charge and loss of license is way too soft. Nowadays especially, if someone was to hit my wife and kids in a performance car in a high speed race, justice wouldn't be served. I'd lose my family forever and the driver would be on a holiday inside and return to normal life upon release, just as the drunk driver who hit me did.

meatbag 29-07-2008 05:09 PM

Only thing constructive i have to add is enabling p platers to drive outside of restricted times PROVIDED they have a letter from their employer stating they are travelling to and from work.

American Dave 29-07-2008 05:28 PM

1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?

Carpenter is just voicing the opinions of those within cabinet and likely good old Grant Dorrington, bless his well meaning heart.

2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?


3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?

Each driver should be measured on their own driving skills. Throwing a blanket it over them all is the easy approach though politically speaking.

4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads?

If a drivers licence is as Carps and Grant say "A Privilege " as opposed to a god given right then make it that way. If you have ever been into the dept of licencing then you will see how poor the whole driver licencing process is. 15 minute drive around the block with an instructure is basic to say the least. I suggest far more on the road / training track time before handing over a licence to an 18 year old is a good start. Build training tracks in a few locations with licence centres attached to them. 10-20 hours of in car driving tests should be a good starting point. Let the public use these tracks as well and charge fee which will make it a self perpetuating and funded facility.

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