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Simon 04-04-2007 05:08 PM

hahahah, thats giving him a serving, good on ya for voicing your opinion!

the kiwi 04-04-2007 08:50 PM

someone correct me if im wrong but....

in germany, i believe the tests are some $300 to sit, and lessons must be conducted by a instructor.

it becomes a very expensive exercies.

Pettata 04-04-2007 10:44 PM

I don't understand double demerits. If they plan to increase police prescence on a long weekend it means they aren't doing enough the rest of the time

DAN682 04-04-2007 11:16 PM

I just watched this BMW propaganda film on Tivo which was titled "The Ring" They talk about funnily enough "The Ring" and the autobahns and say that everybody must sit that driver training on a periodical basis. Is a good idea that is for sure!

And Simon, another fuckn great read from you! Let them have it!

EXPLICIT 05-04-2007 09:57 AM

[QUOTE=the kiwi]someone correct me if im wrong but....

in germany, i believe the tests are some $300 to sit, and lessons must be conducted by a instructor.

it becomes a very expensive exercies.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely, and driving isnt a right its a luxury. You share the road with others users in control of 1.5 tons of moving mass. You shouldn't have a licence until you've done the 'test' and a $1500 driver TRAINING course to boot. If you fail you arn't suitable for the road.

EVL WRX 05-04-2007 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=POLARBEAR666]Whenever its double demerits i just drive around on my STI TUNED plates hahahahahah[/QUOTE]

Not gonna do you much good anymore with your new wizz bang paint job....

Miggidy 05-04-2007 05:02 PM

I posted last night also


Polarbear is right. This is a stupid campaign. I will be driving down south for work this weekend as I do often. Now I drive a lot in my line of work, an I constant;y see unskilled drivers on the road. Please who don't keep left, people who can not merge. All easter means is every man and his dog are in their car driving somewhere. SO our already overpopulated unsafe roads are now flooded with drivers. So the percentage of bad drivers is still the same. The probelm does not exist with the drivers, it exists with the roads! Now comments like "any idiot caught 30 k's over the speed limit is automatically issued a 3 month jail sentence" are just rubbish. We drive performance cars, cars that can go faster, but also cars that can handle better and stop quicker. I bet if we lined you up against polarbear you drive the speed limit, with your 0.00 blood alcohol, and he drive 10km/h faster than you, you both hit the brakes at the same time and he will stop quicker. I'm sick of police blaming speed, great little lap dogs for the government who won't spend the money on our roads or driver training. Log books are great but if learners are sitting with drivers who are bad to begin with how else can they turn out except bad themselves? Go Polar, pdiddy represent!

Posted by: Matty of Perth 9:33pm April 04, 2007
Comment 11 of 20


Mat 05-04-2007 06:10 PM

Massive police presence on 9 freeway overpasses tonight...

Deaths (for tonight) will be down (im pegging 6 people will die this weekend :() but real crimes will increase.

Empty houses, lack of police in the suburbs = payday for real criminals.

phizzle 05-04-2007 06:24 PM

Easter Blitz has started and there is alledgedly a greater police presence on the road. Seen one cop bike with someone pulled over on the freeway, and one of those dual cabs with a cell on the back. As always i was being a good boy :p driving down Guildford Rd doing 60 at about 3pm. Police car drives past. I switch lanes and follow said car @ 70km/h in a 60 km/h zone. Yes i was very naughty for doing this but the thing is the cop in front actually slowed down after he went past. Way to lead from the front guys!!!

RichX 05-04-2007 06:53 PM

Double Dems definitely makes me think twice, you'll always get busted when you lease expect it, and there is a good chance you'll lose your licence .. Fuck that.

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