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Kato 25-01-2008 08:17 PM

Mac Users: Running Windows Programs/Games Natively on a Mac
So the time has come for me to buy a new notebook and I was impressed by the quality of the Macbooks.

Now since I run a lot of Windows only software and want to be able to run games (COD4, Crysis, Unreal Tournament etc) is it possible to run them under OSX or would you have to dual boot into Windows all the time?



SPEC IV 25-01-2008 08:27 PM

My dad has a Mac laptop and uses alot of Windows software.... (not games mind you) and doesn't have to worry about dual booting. I'm not sure of the model of his laptop but its pretty old he bought it a couple of years back.

MKVIGTI 25-01-2008 08:30 PM

Can't help but thinking of going the same way some time this year. Let me know how painful or painless the switch really is.

SPEC IV 25-01-2008 09:24 PM

[QUOTE=BlackSTi]Can't help but thinking of going the same way some time this year. Let me know how painful or painless the switch really is.[/QUOTE]

I just found the user interface a bit tricky to get use to but like everything takes time. Some really cool applications on the mac though :cool:

NIX WRX 25-01-2008 11:10 PM


Alex 25-01-2008 11:27 PM

Well, i just switched from PC to Mac for the first time since 7 or 8 years of owning a PC. I have to firstly say its nowhere as painless as you may think. Apple have advanced so much that the transition is near effortless. Give it a few weeks to get used to the little things ad you're set. From the first day i turned on my mac about two weeks ago, i haven't gone back to my PC once.

Most of the programs these days are designed for both formats and for when they aren't, like someone posted above, programs like bootcamp and parallels make it easy to run anything. Basically you run windows from a small window while your Apple OS is running, and open what you need. Full screen if needed. It is as easy as that.

I really love my mac though, to be honest i wish i'd switched earlier. Though it does seem a little expensive, i think the cost is justified. Yeah i probably could've built a super-PC for the price, but i don't think it would ever run as flawlessly as this seems to so far. I don't play games at all, but i did install a couple just to see how they run, and GTA Vice City and Pro Evolution soccer look great.

Makavel 26-01-2008 12:28 AM

macbook pro ftw

devilfish 26-01-2008 07:32 AM

i have a macbook pro 2.2ghz core 2 duo.. bootcamp- best windows laptop ive had games FTW

DAN682 26-01-2008 08:28 AM

My MacBook Pro has been going sweet ever since i bought it from Sirix, god knows how long ago now.

I run games via Parallels, it works fine. There is a new VMWare out which is meant to be better but Parallels does the trick.

I will never own a PC again. I ditched the PC mazda gave me and just use the apple vpn client for the Mazda Intranet etc.. it is Bloody Terrific*.

*no pun intended :p

Deviance 26-01-2008 12:23 PM

Theres also a program called CrossOver, theres some clips on youtube of people running games on it.

I also want to jump ship to a mac, just gotta save up the money and try not to put it to the car :p

MKVIGTI 29-02-2008 08:07 AM

Hey Kato. Thinking of changing in the next month or so. Did you cross the fence and happy you did or not so sure.

Are all the Mac guru's out there still saying don't run anti virus software on a Mac or has there been a change of heart???

What about anti spyware software or is that also not an issue for Macs????

Is there really much differance between the Macbooks and the Macbook Pro's. Other than the Graphics card ( with the smaller screen to run I'm guessing they are about equal ) I cant really see a lot. Would prefer the macbook if it is going to make next to no differance. Of course I will get the fastest CPU for it and the 4 gig Ram and the 250 GB harddrive in whichever I get.

devilfish 29-02-2008 08:27 AM

owned a mac for 5 years, have 2 currently, imac g5 and new Macbookpro, never installed an antivirus or spyware program, never had a virus!


people go on about possible pain in changing from a windows pc..

Imagine that when you swap from a windows PC its like being cured of a bad back.. there is no pain... hehe

you'll wonder WTF you were doing using windows..

You may get bored tho.. as youll get to actually use the computer for work/creativity 100% of the time.. you'll miss fucking with the registry/chasing obsucure hardware software conflicts / and reading endless forums devoted to fixing said problem!

Macbook pro's are the way if you want to play games, vanilla macbook's havent got the graphics oomph, also the pro's case is sex and i think can take more memory / and swap batteries etc


DAN682 29-02-2008 08:51 AM

[QUOTE=devilfish]owned a mac for 5 years, have 2 currently, imac g5 and new Macbookpro, never installed an antivirus or spyware program, never had a virus!


people go on about possible pain in changing from a windows pc..

Imagine that when you swap from a windows PC its like being cured of a bad back.. there is no pain... hehe

you'll wonder WTF you were doing using windows..

You may get bored tho.. as youll get to actually use the computer for work/creativity 100% of the time.. you'll miss fucking with the registry/chasing obsucure hardware software conflicts / and reading endless forums devoted to fixing said problem!

Macbook pro's are the way if you want to play games, vanilla macbook's havent got the graphics oomph, also the pro's case is sex and i think can take more memory / and swap batteries etc



So very well said! I have not touched a windows PC in a while, last night my mate was over, had issues and I had to mess with the registry for a while to make it work again, I am so glad I use a Mac, PC's fuckn suck

Kato 29-02-2008 08:57 AM

[QUOTE=BlackSTi]Hey Kato. Thinking of changing in the next month or so. Did you cross the fence and happy you did or not so sure.[/QUOTE]

I ended up buying another Windows laptop and have been very happy with it so far. The mac, whilst being a nice looking notebook didn't have the compatibility I required and was also a lot dearer.

devilfish 29-02-2008 09:07 AM

care to share your compatibility problems? i have had no issues running any windows apps using boot camp.

MKVIGTI 29-02-2008 09:13 AM

If I want to run XP through bootcamp or paralells can I use the recovery discs from my old toshiba laptop which long since died or do I need to get a new version of windows from somewhere. If I need a new version where do I get one and aproxamately how much does it cost???

devilfish 29-02-2008 09:21 AM

you may be able to, but the pirate bay for the win, you do own a copy of xp so technically you'll be ok. :)

Kato 29-02-2008 09:22 AM

Of course boot camp will work, but I don't see the point of dual booting. Technically I can do that with the Windows machine and install a hackintosh OSX. I spent a lot of time when my code would only work under *nix and had to constantly dual boot into different OS's for different programs. Not the most efficient thing to do.

Also, not having the opportunity to test if programs / codecs etc will work natively under OSX stopped me from purchasing.

In saying all that, I'd say Macs are on the verge of becoming quite mainstream. If you only do computing that can be run natively on a Mac, they are well worth it. Over time, I'm sure most things will be ported across.

devilfish 29-02-2008 09:30 AM

yea i can see it would be a pain in the ass iff you were constantly flicking between OS's,
i only use windows on my Mac for gaming, all serious stuff is done in OSX, for the general consumer who is ripping / office apps / net / music / graphics OSX is superior if your a coder well you really should be using a generic beige box, Gamers will know that XP is the platform of choice.

MKVIGTI 29-02-2008 12:18 PM

Went down to Next Byte in Nedlands and think I will probably be the proud owner of a new baby 15in Macbook Pro in the nextmonth or so.

They suggested iWork would probably suit my few times a year using a spreadsheet or word document. They are probably right but am I going to run into any issues of any file types that I cant open ( EG Powerpoint PPS files ) or am I going to be fine with just about anything that I get in an e-mail.

Office Home for the mac isn't much more just would prefer not to donate to bill gates if possible.

muggz 29-02-2008 12:22 PM

Go the 17'' you know you want to!

You wont be disappointed. Worse case scenario you can still buy Microsoft Office for mac and still be infront.

MKVIGTI 29-02-2008 12:54 PM

Got a 17 inch toshiba at the moment Muggz.

I almost always am loafing on the couch or on/in bed in my room at camp. NEVER use it at a desk. 17's are just to big and to heavy for how I use it.

Picture is awesome on it tough.

Makavel 29-02-2008 07:16 PM

a question for the mac users out there just wanted to see what software you guys use to rip dvd movies to your hdd to watch and later burn to a dvd .


devilfish 29-02-2008 07:24 PM

you actually still rip...? i just down load divx... :)

slappy 29-02-2008 08:15 PM

I have a mac book and love it. Its all dell at work but mac at home now. Due for a new macbook pro this year under salary sacrifice, works out so cheap! I dont think I'll bother with parallels this time though. It is awesome running xp or vista as a native install and having both systems share the same desktop at the same time. You can even copy and past between systems.

PS the new models came out two days ago.

slappy 29-02-2008 08:17 PM

[QUOTE=Makavel]a question for the mac users out there just wanted to see what software you guys use to rip dvd movies to your hdd to watch and later burn to a dvd .



Press one button and then go and make a cup of tea. Supports the new H.264 formats too for xbox 360 and apple tv etc.

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