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theprotest 05-06-2008 10:17 PM

NBA all happens here

Go Celts!

Been going for the Garden boys since I was a young tucker. Larry Bird, Danny Ange etc... Some might remember the incredible games between LA and Boston during the 80's. Well, it's happened again.

LA Lakers VS Boston Celtics in '08, Boston with home court advantage, 2 at home, 3 in LA, then back for however many games are required.

The big ticket, Ray ray, Pierce, Cassell.... It's on.

Go Celts!



Splat_man 05-06-2008 10:46 PM


Yeah i have been a celtics supporter for ages too! I cant wait for this.
I have the foxtel IQ setup ready to go!

I have to admit, in the finals i have had a soft spot for rondo, he has had some monster games in the playoffs.


Thodd 06-06-2008 06:23 AM

At least it's not the Spurs again... great team, but the most boring to watch.

Go Celtics.

Cassell was a nice pick up to ease some pressure off Rondo for the finals.

American Dave 06-06-2008 07:40 AM

Lakers will roll the Celtics I reckon. Koby is on a mission and the Celtics are yet to win a road game in the playoffs!! Starts at 9am this morning and I have the recorder set.

chronic_2k 06-06-2008 07:42 AM

Go Celtics!

FFOUR 06-06-2008 07:50 AM

Its the Celtics defense vs the Lakers offense....should be interesting!

Watching it tonight in HD, Todd you're not invited.

Jimmy S 06-06-2008 07:57 AM

Koby Vs Celtics... Should be interesting... :D

teejay 06-06-2008 08:03 AM

[QUOTE=Jimmy S]Koby Vs Celtics... Should be interesting... :D[/QUOTE]

Pretty much isnt it!

If he doesnt get distracted by some chick he should be on fire. Not sure if he can carry the team though.

Not really fussed who wins it.

FFOUR 06-06-2008 08:24 AM

Ah have you guys watched the Lakers this year at all? They traded for Pau Gasol who is a star, have Lamar Odom and Derek Fisher who are both good veteran players and they have the best bench in the NBA….plus Andrew Bynum on the sidelines injured who is bound to be a star in the coming years?

And its Kobe, not Koby.

/rant over. :)

Adr3naL1N 06-06-2008 08:52 AM

[QUOTE=Thodd]At least it's not the Spurs again... great team, but the most boring to watch.

Go Celtics.

Cassell was a nice pick up to ease some pressure off Rondo for the finals.[/QUOTE]


Duncan & Parker > Pierce & Garnett

Been a spurs fans since forever. Dissapointed to be knocked out by LA, but cant complain, we've been pretty much dominating the NBA since 99 winning 3 or 4 championships.

Think id rather see the celtics win the LA.

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