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klass8wrx 11-08-2008 10:34 AM

Wack! Wierd monday morning
Thought I'd share something that happened to me this morning about 9:40am while I was waiting at the Flinders st and Blythe ave intersection in Yokine. Some man in his mid 30's early 40's, glasses, in his green excel coming from the opposite direction decided to come out of his lane into mine and stopped right in front of me bumper to bumper, braking heavy instead of turning right. Okay...I thought maybe it was an accident, had something on his mind but he proceeded to give me some kind of hand gesture, making a gun shape with his pointer and thumb *bang bang* action :confused: He reversed and the went right...WTF??

Monday mornings...Wierd? or is he crazy? has the news gotten to him? I'd wouldn't think these things happen in the daylight/sober. Quite a worry.

Cooper89 11-08-2008 10:37 AM

Underworld killings, your in the way Klass8, he's gunna get you outta the way....

Strubaru 11-08-2008 10:40 AM

hmmm fingerbanged on the way to work :D maybe he was watching soprano's or underbelly on dvd last night or something :confused:

either way, i would have laughed my tits off (if i had some) :D

Foxymophandlmama 11-08-2008 10:41 AM

[QUOTE=klass8wrx]he proceeded to give me some kind of hand gesture, making a gun shape with his pointer and thumb [/QUOTE]

Pointer and thumb..... nah man that wasnt a gun shape it was an "L" shape...he was telling you what a loser he is. ;)

phizzle 11-08-2008 10:42 AM

LOL, it must be a full moon.

Should've made a rifle/shotgun gesture back.......

......or better yet, blown him a kiss

nauli 11-08-2008 10:44 AM

That's not's Yokine!

ninjawrx 11-08-2008 11:26 AM

On the gear since friday arvo, no sleep all weekend and comin down like a bitch moday morning i recon lol

American Dave 11-08-2008 11:45 AM

[QUOTE=nauli]That's not's Yokine![/QUOTE]

Yokine Massive is a tough neighborhood mate ;)

teejay 11-08-2008 11:52 AM

Yeah all those retirement homes and jewish cultural centres make for some hardcore gangstas.

BALISTC 11-08-2008 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=nauli]That's not's Yokine![/QUOTE]

LOL, as soon as I read the original post, I thought the same thing.

I live in Yokine and although it is a fantastic area , its a little weird sometimes.

I had a family of Jews stare me down while I was high-pressure cleaning my Yamaha Banshee in the driveway last week.

They were walking down the footpath across the road, and they just stopped, and stared without saying a word....for about 2 minutes...then they walked off. WEIRD!!!!

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