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WHITEMY08 09-09-2008 11:02 AM

Fukn Dero's..... Shite start to a good day
This morning dropped the missus at work and proceeded to drop the kiddies at school, normal day you would think.......

This complete tosser in a shitbox EB started fuckn swerving at me and trying to run me off the road, tried to overtake and does it again so I got up behind him and did the old fakey swerve and overtook him only to be flashed by a multi.......arrgghh, about 15/18 over.

Now before you say should have pulled over and flogged him, bear in mind I had 2 kids in the car....

Called the Fuzz and they were quite good about it, Although the descripion of the car and driver covers about half the people living in the peel district. Now just have to sit tight and see if I can get off the infrigement.
The copper seems to think I have a good chance but we will see what happens.

Shite start to a good day

Strubaru 09-09-2008 11:17 AM

what is 'the old fakey swerve' and why on earth were you doing it with the kids in the car? was this on dual carriageway? why didn't you just back off and sit behind the 'tard ?

i'm all for 'booting it' to get out of there but would never endanger the lives of my kids by doing this, i'd just sit back well clear & let them do thier thing

phizzle 09-09-2008 11:20 AM

I don't have a high horse to sit on, but you should've just let him go and not done a thing except take his details down and report it as you have. Pity about the fine but I think you'll be paying it either way.

Bad luck I'm afraid :(

WHITEMY08 09-09-2008 11:24 AM

Before you make judgement on how this was executed bear in mind this fuktard was all over the shop and trying to sit behind him wasn't working either hence why I tried to pass him the first time as I was in no rush and was doing the speed limit.
And no the old fakey swerve did not involve me getting it sideways or anything just leading him to think I was passing him on the left then going right.
As for the children being in the car I don't see how having an EB Falcon impaled in the side of me would be better.

Strubaru 09-09-2008 11:28 AM

sounds like a nightmare, i just couldn't get my head around the road scenario you described, but if the evasive action you felt necessary to take was to get the fuck outa there for your childs safety, then so be it mate, you gotta do what you gotta do, shame about the fine but its gonna be hard to get it quashed

ACE 09-09-2008 11:29 AM

You can't justify giving the guy a beating because your kids were in the car, yet you subjected your kids to 'the old fakey swerve' and then get flashed 'doing 15-18kph over' the speed limit?

Mate you may have a more expensive car than Mr EB driver, but does that make you any better than him. You broke the law in a situation where a reasonable person might be expected to just slow down and let the other idiot drive off.

If you were that incensed by his driving you could have just taken his details and called the hoon hotline.

I'm not judging you but perhaps there are quite a few people out there who would have acted differently in the same situation. Might be worth some thought...

American Dave 09-09-2008 11:35 AM

buy yourself a radar detector, problem solved.

Kato 09-09-2008 11:39 AM

Why bother swerving, overtaking and speeding away from these idiots (esp. with kids in your car)? Slow down and let them get away from you. Also, stopping to 'flog' someone is such a childish reaction.

You will get the fine as there is no excuse for speeding. Espescially when doing a fakey swerve and shooting past them. It is not a racetrack and inexcusable when you have children in the car.

WHITEMY08 09-09-2008 11:44 AM

I normally do let people who do this sort of thing go on there merry way and do as they please, but in this circumstance his eratic behaviour prior to me even trying to normally overtake him was nothing short of dangerous and that is why I did report him.

I in no way drive like this with or without the kids in the car or support the whole road rage bit but as in previous threads people have made comments to suggest that getting out of the car and taking it further is their approach to resolve a situation.

I would buy a radar detector but it seems a retard detector would be more useful in situations such as this.

Strubaru 09-09-2008 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=WHITEMY08]retard detector would be more useful in situations such as this.[/QUOTE]

LOL quote of the day

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