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Taktics 02-02-2009 09:33 AM

My mates and I was going to fishing yesterday, driving down beauford street towards the City, this female native looks like shes crossing the road, she looks abit loco. As we get closer she stops, stands in the middle of the fukn road. My mate slammed the brakes. We were 2inchs from hitting her. Would of felt sorry for the car :(. Tainted and ruined...poor camry. After that she hops into the left lane and tries to get hit by a bus full of ppl. Someone should just end her mysery.

Ive seen her do this in Dicksmith Morley as well. A grp of them high of their face on petrol or someshit.

Pimpreza 02-02-2009 12:36 PM

I had one jump out in front of me in Northbridge years ago, swerved & floored it...........that stinking cuntplug spun like a top when i hit him with my side mirror, & it was certainly worth replacing the glass.

werticusness 02-02-2009 04:31 PM

yeah its a shame your natural reaction is to brake.

type25 02-02-2009 04:43 PM

[QUOTE=werticusness]yeah its a shame your natural reaction is to brake.[/QUOTE]

too true

XT43 06-02-2009 05:16 PM

Fuck you peroxide haired old bogan slapper driving your shitter down the freeway today.
Fuck you for drifting into the right lane while dragging away on your Horizon Extra Mild when I was coming up behind you.
Fuck you for giving me the options of hitting your shitter or a concrete wall.
Thank you brakes.
Thank you evasive driving skillz.
Fuck you for having a dumbass look on your wrinkly weathered and beaten face ( probably by your hubby named Bazza ) as I pulled up beside you screaming obscenities.
Fuck off.

end rant/.

mattmy99 06-02-2009 05:25 PM


Bad day mate?

XT43 06-02-2009 05:34 PM

Nah, I've had a pretty good day. Its just that I'm pretty sure she didn't know what the fuck I was on about so I just needed tell someone who does ;)

doadrift 06-02-2009 08:39 PM

[QUOTE=LegacyRS]Up north they 'sleep' (pass out) on the road.

When I was living in Broome I almost cleaned one up with the cruiser at about 2 am, passed out & laying across both lanes in a 110 zone......Usually I stop for nothing smaller than a cow......

damn duallers are loud when locked up![/QUOTE]

Problem is people stop, just pretend its a new speed hump and do what everyone in a 4wd does on a speed bump, speed up and get air!

SCOOTER 06-02-2009 08:55 PM

[QUOTE=SPEC IV]12:30am:

Well after a great night out we were driving along Mirrabooka Ave going towards Marangaroo Dr the next thing I know is there was a native standing in the middle of the left lane. Thought she was just crossing the road.... NO!!! she stands there so I drop a gear and change lanes, she turns to the other lane so I accelerated to get past her and she swings something at the car yelling something or other. I look in the rear view to see more traffic coming and she does the same. WTF!!!!


Thinking that was all over I'm driving through a round-about and see a white van getting closer and closer, I was in the left lane so he could have easily over taken me but NO. He decides to sit up my arse, there was a car in front of me and beside me, so I couldn't go anywhere. He swerves to the left and sits even closer. So I told the missus to hold on and smashed the brake, I was already pissed off by the first incident. He eventually backed off and turned into a street.


That is why you need a bag of shit like my Sil80 so you can hit the brakes REAL hard and hold on for the ride as said dick head f#cks his front end up!!! :D

BALISTC 06-02-2009 09:05 PM

[QUOTE=SCOOTER]That is why you need a bag of shit like my Sil80 so you can hit the brakes REAL hard and hold on for the ride as said dick head f#cks his front end up!!! :D[/QUOTE]

...and because the dick head is uninsured, you're still stuck with having to sort your own repairs out! :D

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