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daveygravey 27-07-2009 04:50 PM

how to remove oil from trainers/runners?
well i was carrying an engine today an when i put it down i realised i had engine oil all over a pair of DC trainers my gf got me a couple of weeks ago :eek:
i managed to clean it off the main shoe but the tongue is now pretty shitty tried carpet cleaner an washed them in washin machine an the shits still there...

any ideas? wouldnt normally bother but they are a $190 pair and a GIFT :(

tuna 27-07-2009 04:51 PM

i put shoes in the washing machine, just take the laces out.

find some stronger detergent!

daveygravey 27-07-2009 04:52 PM

tried washing machine mate it didnt shift it....

bad thing about it is she had a big problem to find the ones i liked an they were the last pair she tried everywhere on the net too lol..

maybe il just try find them on-line an get a new pair if i can. if not im gonna buy a dog an let him chew em up lol:D

bumpstop 27-07-2009 05:07 PM

Try spraying some wax and grease remover (prepsol) on them. You may need to get a cheap squirty bottle from the supermarket to put the wax and grease remover in, or just buy some already in an aerosol can. Then wash shoes as per normal.

daveygravey 27-07-2009 05:10 PM

sweet mate, cheaper than buyin a dog lol.. i just know she's gonna be gutted took her a month to find them

ACE 27-07-2009 05:19 PM

WD-40 is your friend.

You can also use it to seal any new light coloured trainers prior to wear. Its actually a water dispersent so will stop staining from dirt or spillages.

DEDLYWEPN 27-07-2009 05:33 PM

Napisan? They reckon that shit takes any heavy stain out.

Pinky 27-07-2009 06:02 PM

Eucalyptus oil is good for removing grease stains,

Just apply it to a bit of clean cotton wool, and gently dab at the stains until it comes off.

Do it carefully cause it can sometimes remove dyes
(although Ken Block brand shoes should be well made)

Denver 27-07-2009 07:04 PM

i was told to try a can of coke, throw your oily gear in the washing machine, pour a can of coke over the lot, add the usual detergent and softener, and do a normal cycle..

yet to try it, will get round to it with some dirty stuff shortly

Pimpreza 27-07-2009 07:46 PM

Sard wonder soap, cheap & brilliant but you've probably set the stain now that you have washed them

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