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daveygravey 13-09-2009 06:10 PM

when do kids stop bein kid's!
Ok maybe i feel som old fashioned?
But my girlfriends daughter is almost 4yrs old and she owes a pair of skinny leg low cut jeans!! im pretty discusted that they can offer in sale items for a child of this age, apparently you can buy high heels for infants an to be honest i this sickens me? when the fuk did kids start dressing like adults? its wrong or do i have a different opinion????:mad:

axle 13-09-2009 06:22 PM

I know what you mean. I work in a school and the things they wear on free-dress day is really bad and im talking 11 and 12 year olds. My daughter is nearly 3 I tell ya what she is gunna be a kid for as long as possible. Hate these parents who dress their kids up like adults (cheap adults at that). Whats wrong with trackies/normal jeans and a t-shirt.
Something wrong there hey.

daveygravey 13-09-2009 06:31 PM

yer ur right mate, the alarming thing is the 20+ people have looked at this post an there are no comment... i find this alarming..... is it that people think nothin of this? or am i lookin way too dep into it an is it normal?

smerm07 13-09-2009 06:37 PM

im 19 and i think that its shocking how parents dress thier kids. Even i see the difference in kids now compared to when i was their age and, and thats not even that long ago. I guess its just how they are brought up and at the end of the day much blame is to be put on the parents. I see kids in year 6-7 with mobile phones on plans! year 8-9's drinking, even doing drugs.

All i can say is that its probably going to get worse as the years progress.

Cooper89 13-09-2009 06:37 PM

Havnt seen that around here, but you get your 14 yr old with the skinny's and headbands etc... guys AND girls. But havnt seen any children like that.

GX-REX 13-09-2009 06:58 PM

Yes my wife showed me a website a while ago. A business that specialises in infant high heels. How the fuck is a kid supposed to develop properly with that shit being thrown at them.

SH06UN 13-09-2009 07:00 PM

My thoughts are the same, it make me frikkn mad!!

What's even more disturbing to me, is when the @#$@ did pole-dancing become a fitness activity/sport?!

apg39 13-09-2009 07:03 PM

All fashion for teens & just-before-teens is stupid & ridiculous. Including hairstyles.

But then again. I'm sure everyone in the 80's liked the fashion back then.

phizzle 13-09-2009 07:13 PM

Yet another reason why people should have to apply for a breeding licence

daveygravey 13-09-2009 07:31 PM

yer but i believe hair fashion an clothing fashion is different.. just find it wrong kids are kids... an if we dress them like 18yr olds its wrong kids can look like 18yrolds just find it all wrong.... its sick... no we have so many pedo's is it any fukin wonder!!! if one takes Ella cos she looks older il fukin kill em.... it shits me... its a big worry

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