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nicksrex 15-06-2006 05:09 PM

Red Light

I recently got done for going through a red light and i was going to go see the picture at the cop shop because im pritty shure there were atleast 3 others going through at the same time. Just wondering if anyone knows what the ruleings are for red lights because i know that with speed cameras if theres someone else in the picture then you can argue that it wasnt you. So basicly im looking for some advice. Hope someone can help.


STi Tuned 15-06-2006 05:14 PM

If it wasn't you you'll have to nominate someone. Pretty sure the onus is now on the owner.

AWDmoke 15-06-2006 05:15 PM

Does not work the same for red light cameras.

With a multinova they cannot determine which of the cars is speeding, so they all get off.

With a red light pic, they have proof that ALL the cars broke the law, so each of them gets a fine.

Subaru00 15-06-2006 05:17 PM

yeah if youve gone thru a red light then youve gone thru a red light ? no doubt about it...if other cars wen thru aswell then they prolly got their photo taken also.

Thodd 15-06-2006 05:41 PM

just claim traffic was backed up, and you were caught in the middle from other cars, might work.

ImPreSiV 15-06-2006 05:48 PM

in 2004 over 50% of red light camera photo's were not paid, and there isnt much they can do about it.. if the photo is from behind they can't prove who is driving.. so, simply, you say its not you, and it could be any one of 4 (just pick a number) people who drive your car. All male with short (brown,blonde) hair. there is no physical way they can pin it on you, unless your facing backwards.. or the photo is from the front.

Today Tonight did a report on this last year sometime... plus its like $150 and 3 points i think, 3 valuable points for some people!

Adr3naL1N 15-06-2006 06:01 PM

[QUOTE=AWDmoke]Does not work the same for red light cameras.

With a multinova they cannot determine which of the cars is speeding, so they all get off.

With a red light pic, they have proof that ALL the cars broke the law, so each of them gets a fine.[/QUOTE]

with the red light pic thou, just because the pic is taken, doesnt mean all cars in the photo went through the red light, espcially if its from the front. One could be stopped at the light while the other has gone through completly or just slightly gone over the line.

AC Schnitzer 15-06-2006 06:11 PM

I thought the idea of a red light camera is that they take multiple shots.

First shot shows car behind or after the line, 2nd shot is when the car is in the intersection box or something.

If both shots show the car is behind the line, that means the car has did not run the lights.

Correct me if I'm wrong, this is interesting.

Kato 15-06-2006 06:27 PM

The new laws place onus on the owner of the vehicle, so you must nominate someone for the fine. You can no longer get out of them.

The camera takes 2 photos, which is just incase you slightly went over the line but indeed stopped. The first photo is when you trip the sensor, the second is to see where you are. If you are in the middle of the intersection, you end up with a nice fine.

Sorry to tell you, but there's not much you can do to get out of it. Since the red light camera works on a sensor under the road, rather than a radar beam like a multanova, if three people went through, three people get fined.

nicksrex 15-06-2006 06:34 PM

that sux. how dissapointing. Looks like im paying the fine then

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