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RJ999 09-05-2014 03:37 PM

proper Fucked now!
Targeting hoons is great, I totally agree the p plater holdens doing burnouts in suburban street or racing through the night should be stopped...but where does their definition of hoon stop? Does this mean the dad doing 5k over to fetch the kids or when you don't want to keep the gf waiting or whatever reason, cop a fine or get done...

I'm in support that this will make for safer suburban roads but wonder who else will suffer when they're not catching hoons and need to justify the expense!

WA is now proper fucked... enjoy 2014 as the last year before any kind of road freedom ends:
[url=]Covert cameras to catch WA hoon drivers[/url]

dnbosiris 09-05-2014 03:42 PM

lol your always so dramatic dude. Your kinda like a Michael Bay film.

amtrapid 09-05-2014 03:43 PM

Count to 10 mate . If your not driving like a dick there is nothing to worry about.:)

RJ999 09-05-2014 03:44 PM

[QUOTE=dnbosiris;798491]lol your always so dramatic dude. Your kinda like a Michael Bay film.[/QUOTE]

Drama999 :rolleyes:

bringing free entertainment to the masses


thehowlfactor 09-05-2014 03:47 PM

Its no different to councils giving their CC footage to police or drivers doing the same with dash cam footage.

RJ999 09-05-2014 03:50 PM

[QUOTE=amtrapid;798492]Count to 10 mate . If your not driving like a dick there is nothing to worry about.:)[/QUOTE]

Yes not worried about this....I'm more worried about what they going to start picking on when they need to justify their expense when not catching enough hoons

edit: don't know about that Phillip...this will be operated by the same bunch of revenue raising department in East Perth!

REXXXED 09-05-2014 03:50 PM

[QUOTE=RJ999;798488]Does this mean the dad doing 5k over to fetch the kids or when you don't want to keep the gf waiting or whatever reason, cop a fine or get done...
Fuck me sideways!
Do you actually read what you have written or the content you had written about before posting? Ever?

This is to catch footage of hoon behavior (burnouts, drag racing, reckless driving etc.) in the act, on camera, number plate and all.

They are not speed cameras!

DukeDrifter 09-05-2014 03:52 PM

Fuck me you really are the :sign17: your mum should have swallowed.

T R3X 09-05-2014 03:54 PM

Pls stop posting on here.

Dan [GTI] 09-05-2014 03:55 PM

CCTV isn't always admissible evidence in court so this could be a wasted exercise. Plus unless it's HD and car see through smoke it will be useless.


I do feel a little guilty using a Down Syndrome kid... He doesn't deserve to be dragged down with this thread.

T R3X 09-05-2014 03:57 PM

I'm sure he's alright in person, but he really should not be allowed access to the internet.

Slap Dash 09-05-2014 04:00 PM


RJ999 09-05-2014 04:01 PM

Rexxxxed you have a point...its for hoon behaviour.
I would just expect anything based on the latest instrument that's been put in use though - its a hd recorder that also captures speed via automatic laser movement targeting. (the tiny camera on a tripod thing, not sure if you've seen them yet, doesn't require an operator)

RJ999 09-05-2014 04:02 PM

anyway fuck it I give up...some people will just be having fun at slaying any post...laters

pmh 09-05-2014 04:08 PM

I for one have no issues with rjjjjjjjjs post

I find it highly informative, insightful and entertaining
There's only so many times I can look at 3 pages of boobs and flange on the nsfw thread without getting bored for 5 mins and repeating again

So I say, carry on...

amtrapid 09-05-2014 04:09 PM

Doesn't bother me ,if i get itchy fingers I just go to the track or down the drags not worth speeding or driving like a fucktard anyway you cant use your car to its potential on the road .

Id be worried if I was a young tard cruising with R.O.E or one of the other clubs that make it hard for people doing the right thing that's who they are trying to catch and good on them. I just wish the govt would spend as much time and effort on driver education .

Making things like advanced driver education courses compulsory would at least put alot of people in a situation they cant control and teach them not to panic and how to avoid the situation.

Way too much emphasis is put on speed , is it one of the factors yes . But low performance drivers , driving tired , drunk driving and lack of education towards other road users (trucks , motorbikes and cyclists) is a way bigger factor.

But catching people deliberately doing the wrong thing good on them. Plenty of track days and the likes organised .Shit get 6 mates together $100 bucks each and hire 2 hrs of RAC for a tune day .

Only my opinion but im sure many will agree :toothy10::icon_butt

RJ999 09-05-2014 04:16 PM


pmh 09-05-2014 04:16 PM

Rac isntl quite a track day since a lot hooning moves, ie donuts get frowned upon

Take it down to kwinana if you need to smoke some rubber

amtrapid 09-05-2014 04:26 PM

[QUOTE=pmh;798508]Rac isntl quite a track day since a lot hooning moves, ie donuts get frowned upon

Take it down to kwinana if you need to smoke some rubber[/QUOTE]

Exactly but not everyone wants to burn rubber my reference on RAC was mainly to people that want to stop their idle hands and get some speed out of the system. Anyone can drop a skid. :toothy10:

Damo69 09-05-2014 04:29 PM

RJ Plz

N1GHTH4WK92 09-05-2014 04:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just fuckin' relax aye.

These are apparently ones that have just been installed. I'd take a guess that they will just review footage when people report people whipping nuts in suburban intersections etc.

[I]Real fucking covert[/I]

RJ999 09-05-2014 04:40 PM

[QUOTE=N1GHTH4WK92;798512]Just fuckin' relax aye.

These are apparently ones that have just been installed. I'd take a guess that they will just review footage when people report people whipping nuts in suburban intersections etc.

[I]Real fucking covert[/I][/QUOTE]

These have been in use for the last 5-10 years around schools and other places just for general surveillance and for conducting traffic surveys (instead of using the clicker strips laid on the road)...nothing to do with the new covert cameras.

Go rip a skid in front of those and nothing will come out of it ;)
members of R.O.E can vouch for this statement lol

Rossco 09-05-2014 04:42 PM

Definition of HOON:

A hoon driver is anyone who drives at very high speed or in a manner that is considered highly dangerous or antisocial.

Examples include:
• intentionally causing tyres to lose traction
• [B]causing a vehicle to make excessive noise or smoke [/B]
• [B][U]exceeding the speed limit by 45 km/h or more (e.g. travelling at more than 155 km/h in a 110 km/h zone ) [/U][/B]
• engaging in a race or speed trial on a public road or in a public space

So no travelling 5kph over will not result in a hoon offence unless you are doing it with all 4 wheels spinning.........

N1GHTH4WK92 09-05-2014 04:42 PM

[QUOTE=RJ999;798513]Wrong! These have been in use for the 5years around schools and other places just for general surveillance...nothing to do with the new covert cameras[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, only skim read it off WAJCC.

Soksta 09-05-2014 04:45 PM

I think these will be relatively easy to power down.

What I wonder is if they have some sort of telemetry on those cameras to see if they are a) powered on or b) memory card/hard drive is full.

If not, then they won't know if they are turned off until some one physically inspects them!

astralex 09-05-2014 04:54 PM

As long as my titanium tip isn't so loud as to get me in trouble, I'm all for them.

GTB Liberty 09-05-2014 05:33 PM

[QUOTE=Rossco;798514]Definition of HOON:

A hoon driver is anyone who drives at very high speed or in a manner that is considered highly dangerous or antisocial.

Examples include:
• [B]intentionally[/B] causing tyres to lose traction ...[/QUOTE]

[I]wet roads lc... aaah heaven [/I]

Tony 09-05-2014 05:37 PM

Let me know when they install these in the hills where all the best driving is. Till then no fucks given.

RJ999 09-05-2014 05:41 PM

[I]wet no sideways within speed limit...objection[/I]

[SIZE="1"]edit: ^bravo on the very public hint bro[/SIZE]

JRecardo 09-05-2014 05:46 PM

Not long after they are installed (or before even) we will all know where they are and extra care will be taken around them. They will achieve sweet fuck all in my opinion, just trying to look like they're doing something to improve road safety and targeting hoons is the easiest way.

matto20v 09-05-2014 07:18 PM

[QUOTE=pmh;798504]I for one have no issues with rjjjjjjjjs post

I find it highly informative, insightful and entertaining
There's only so many times I can look at 3 pages of boobs and flange on the nsfw thread without getting bored for 5 mins and repeating again

So I say, carry on...[/QUOTE]

I cant find the NSFW thread, can you please post a link...

Slap Dash 09-05-2014 07:20 PM

Need to be Forum Supporter

TROLLEY 09-05-2014 10:43 PM


magic1 10-05-2014 10:15 AM

RJ, please join antilag. where the big boys play.

XT43 10-05-2014 10:24 AM

[QUOTE=magic1;798563]RJ, please join antilag. where the big boys play.[/QUOTE]

I seriously think it wouldn't matter, cunt is so far removed from reality its mind blowing.

I often think we are a part of a social experiment and RJ9999999 is the front for some fucked up Clockwork Orange spec interwebz psychological therapy team testing out mans rage breaking point.

Or he is just a cock.

Riggs 10-05-2014 10:49 AM

I came here to say something but not had a coffee yet so can't think of anything witty, offensive or clever.

Penis and vagina.

Damo69 10-05-2014 11:38 AM

need to have a car cruise in memory of RJ

Cumsock Car Cruises next map

teejay 10-05-2014 12:25 PM

[QUOTE=magic1;798563]RJ, please join antilag. where the big boys play.[/QUOTE]

You're dead to me

teejay 10-05-2014 12:29 PM

P.S start at corner of Arkana and Princess Rd - head to end of Princess, left, first right, follow to end, right onto hartman, follow to end, left onto gnagarra, first right.

It is a glorious stretch of roundabouts.

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