Hey Guys, would just like to do a bit of a shout out for a very kind donation, every bit counts an for quite a few australians this is very close to home. Your donation will be greatly appreciated, its a very good cause.
The Grey Man is an international organisation dedicated to eradicating the trafficking and exploitation of children. Our main role is the rescue of children from traffickers. However, early on we realised that rescuing children was not enough. Once they enter sex work they can become socialised to their life there and it becomes difficult to convince them that they deserve something better. Many of them will be physically or psychologically damaged and face the prospect of death from AIDS. We realised that we needed to stop them from entering the sex trade in the first place. Based in Brisbane, Australia our activities are focused on the countries of South East Asia.
However, early on we realised that rescuing children was not enough. Once they enter sex work they can become socialised to their life there and it becomes difficult to convince them that they deserve something better. Many of them will be physically or psychologically damaged and face the prospect of death from AIDS. We realised that we needed to stop them from entering the sex trade in the first place.
Therefore, in tandem with our rescue work, we began a prevention program where we support educational infrastructure projects in the ethnic minority villages (a major source of trafficked children). We have found that the best way to prevent trafficking is to provide funds for education and family assistance but to link this assistance to a child's progression in school. Presently we support three villages in Thailand with various projects.
Please visit
There's a donation box to the right of the page.
Once again your donations will go a long way towards helping an will be greatly appreciated.