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Less Lag.

Posted 25-10-2010 at 02:34 PM by BALISTC
Updated 25-10-2010 at 03:04 PM by BALISTC

Hi all,

As per my previous blog entry, I've started going down the path of building a Time Attack style car.

A LOT has happened since my last entry. From May this year:

- I've sourced and installed a 6 speed out of an 02 STi. (thanks dtrally!)
- At the same time, an 06 STi helical front LSD was fitted. (thanks dtrally and Mister Two!)
- A Cusco Tarmac Gear 35:65 “Gymkhana Spec” centre differential was also sourced, and this will be fitted...
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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A New Direction..

Posted 14-04-2010 at 09:14 PM by BALISTC

So as most would know, I've been thinking of selling my car.. not because I'm bored of it or over it, but because I wanted to try something different.

The car is still for sale... but only if I find the right buyer at the right price. In the mean time, I've decided to take a different path with the car just to see how it turns out. It's a path that is a little bit different.. and something thats not seen very often here in WA.

That is, build a Time Attack style street...
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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Views 6382 Comments 16 BALISTC is offline Edit Tags

BALISTC's Big Brake Bonanza - The Install

Posted 10-11-2009 at 09:31 PM by BALISTC

Well I couldn't keep staring at the brakes sitting in my spare bathroom forever.. they needed to be installed on the car!!

2 weeks after they arrived, they ended up nestled behind my rims.

Thanks to Rob (Volatile Customs) for the workshop, and Jme and Adz for their help with the install!

To put it simply, they were easy as fuck to install. Being a dealer option in some countries, they were designed to be a direct bolt on, and I wasn't disappointed......
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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BALISTC's Big Brake Bonanza

Posted 10-11-2009 at 09:25 PM by BALISTC

As my car wasn't originally an STi, it didn't originally come fitted with Brembos.

The Subaru 4 pots were of course, just fine, but after everything else on the car has been fettled in some way or another, they just weren't cutting it anymore.

Keeping this in mind, I've been on the look out for some big brakes, for quite a while. The main factor was the price... brakes are usually VERY expensive. Brembo's were out of the question, because they wouldn't fit behind...
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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Posted 26-10-2009 at 09:06 AM by BALISTC

So I decided to bite the bullet and buy some brakes for the car... rather than stuffing around with Brembo conversion, pad/rotor upgrade, or anything like that.. I've stepped up and bought myself a 330mm Prodrive Alcon kit.

They have just arrived today... pics to follow
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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Views 2978 Comments 1 BALISTC is offline Edit Tags

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