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Mick at standard level

Mick Mick is offline

DCCD Donut Driver

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. XT43
    20-06-2017 08:43 AM
    Hey mick,
    Bugger about the damage. No I can't sorry, search or ask jacob with the Forester, i think he went to the same machine shop as the at Daz guy to sort all their machining with good end results.
  2. XT43
    12-06-2017 01:31 PM
    Hey mate, I'm running an areomotive in tank ( can't remember the model number ) and a Bosch 044 on the surge tank.
    Sorry to hear about your dramas!
  3. Tony
    12-10-2015 09:04 PM
    Mmmm could be interested. What sort of dollars are you chasing? Cant remember exactly but did it require any butchering of the interior to fit?
  4. Origin
    20-03-2015 01:04 PM
    Ahh I see, unfortunately as I purchased my helmet online I am still waiting for delivery of it, should imagine that would be early next week as it was coming from the east coast, also iv currently got big heavy rota grids on atm, will be picking up some stock GD wheels tomorrow to use on the track, but im still pretty keen to come down and have a look around, I might actually wait till you have figured out if you will be attending the am or the pm session in April then ill just go the same, I know nick73 from on here was going to head down to the am session as he was ok to give me a few pointers I was leaning more towards the am session as well, but let me know which way your going to play it!
  5. Origin
    20-03-2015 09:27 AM
    yeah I'm pretty keen to come up, that's just to spectate? or would I actually be out on the track? yeah, iv got 2 fire extinguishers in the car bought a couple off Russ a few weeks ago, are you going to be participating in the sprints on the 12th? cause I will be registering for them today as my cams came through last night!
  6. Origin
    19-03-2015 01:45 PM
    Hey mick,

    sounds great ill definitely head down to take a look, was just looking at the calendar though and apparently the 23rd is a Monday? so Im guessing you actually ment the 22nd? are you still registering for the sprints on the 12th of april? cause that's the one I was going to enter, good news though iv got my helmet on the way and my cams should arrive any day now

About Me

  • About Mick
    Moo Moo Land
    Manager for Retards
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  • Last Activity: 23-06-2022 11:20 AM
  • Join Date: 19-01-2010

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