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Old 07-02-2007, 03:51 PM
Elrico Elrico is offline
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Originally Posted by Giddyup
No they are not automatically claimed as hoons/people who always speed. Dry your eyes. If you speed and get caught, except it, plain and simple. As for targeting school zones with a bit of gusto, bloody oath.

As for the lights flashing at the start of every zone, I'm thinkin the kids in school uniforms walking to school etc might be a little bit of a hint also. The signs are there plain as day, if your not sure, assume its a 40.
You actually realise if you are doing 40km/h in a 60km/h zone when its not a school time because you are unsure that it can actually become fustrating for other motorists. It can also be the soul purpose of a crash. Lets face it, there are impatient people on the road, and you dont HAVE to be speeding to cause an accident. Clearly marked out zones are usually around, if not, its the council that should be blamed. Not every child goes to school (not many at all, if any) at 7:30am, yet, that is when the rules are imposed.

I take very due care whilst driving around Canningvale, hell, im stuck inbetween a high school and a primary school, plus theres another one as im driving to work about a km down the road. I am surrounded by pre-pubesant delinquents that take no concern for the saftey of them selves at any time hence having to be constantly alert. As for trying to talk your way out of a ticket, if you were on a motobike, chances are alot higher.
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