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Old 11-02-2007, 11:08 AM
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fobz fobz is offline
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fobz knows their stuff

Originally Posted by 1C3
in my opinion wearing a seatbelt is "personal safety", a time when people should use common sense. not to enforced by the law.
You sir are uninformed. Let me spell it out for you.

1. Person has accident
2. Not wearing seatbelt, more injuries.
3. Taken to hospital, broken legs, brain damage (if seatbelt then nothing)
4. Injuries are paid for by 3rd party insurance on license.

Now do you have any idea how the 3rd party insurer (the Govt) pays
to have the broken legs fixed and the 3years of rehabilitation for
brain damage ? ... Well its TAX. And it can cost 10's of thousands
of $$ for some patients.

So... YOU are paying for the hospital bills for road injuries through your
tax. More injuries = bigger hospital bills = more tax.

Next paycheck look at your tax. Part of that is paying for IDIOTS who
don't wear seatbelts and clock up a big hospital bill.

You are right in saying that people should take personal responsibility,
however while tax payers are footing the bill they will still remain
enforced by the law.

My flame suit is on. Give it your best biatch.

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Last edited by fobz; 11-02-2007 at 11:11 AM.
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