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Old 08-03-2007, 06:57 PM
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STi Tuned at standard level

Originally Posted by pmh
starscream is there
so is bubblebee, the VW
Am sure megatron is there

my fav decepticon is the record player, can't remember his name now. had it just then.
and his team of cassetes, the hawk, the dog, and bat
Yeah fully... soundwave.. he was the hardest, bad ass in the show. He was always mega's go to guy... Star & mega were too much like an old married couple. Soundwave was a rock.. he had other transformers in his fkn stomach man, you don’t get harder then that..

He's what Spock would have been like if he was a transformer, less time yappin.. more time killing fkn autobots.

I had the action figure with the fold out tapes when I was a kid.. I loved that thing. Man how much would those things be worth now.. not mine of course, I trashed those things.

Hey you guys remember that microscope autobot.. what was going on there!?!
Ho's gotta eat too
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