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Old 18-03-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Mat
Well 8 people have died in 2 days and apparently the "road safety policies are still workin".

Apparently people "need to take heed (sp?) and slow down" but i wonder how many of those deaths were speed related!
Speed related.

I Wonder how many the real major cause was Drug/Alcohol or Fatigue related.

I think the Alcohol message has got through to the majority of people but you will never get through to people about drugs unless you do the equivilent of breath testing for everything you can think of ( otherwise people will just use something they don't test for ).

Fatigue is one you will never win because if 99% of people need to go from here to there and they are tired they will do it anyway. Try as you might but you will never change this. We are forever told if you are fatigued at work to call up and have a rest break but just about everyone drives round like a zombie on night shift.

Unfortunatly people need to start taking some responsibility for their own actions. Something which society these days seems to discourage!!!!
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