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Old 23-03-2007, 05:19 PM
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gtr_eta gtr_eta is offline
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gtr_eta at standard level

Originally Posted by BLUES
if you a charging like a business, start acting like one.

verso won't charge you a cent

all tuning is done by asg and all invoices come from asg and all payments are made to asg

abn# 80452267351

verso deals with asg only

if you have any questions anyone is welcome to call me(Nic) at asg on 92487433

verso is avaliable for technical enquiries but as for all these questions I am happy to be of assistance.

verso is very busy developing their product and so are we here at asg trying to run a business so we apoligize for not promptly answering your questions but we don't get time to surf the net looking for random questions regarding verso, our company, our work, tuning, etc.

thank you

Nic Box(not gtr_eta)