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Old 17-04-2007, 09:54 AM
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fobz fobz is offline
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fobz knows their stuff

Originally Posted by Rex-io
I split lanes ... because it is legal. Well not technically
Bingo... Not legal. Even if the cops dont pull you over for it, the
scenario will go something like this...
1. Bike splits lane.
2. Car driver stays in own lane.
3. Accident caused.
4. The coroner will find that the motorcyclist acted illegally causing accident.
5. Car driver escapes blame due to illegal behaviour of bike rider.
6. Car driver lives, no injuries.
7. Insurance pays to fix car.
8. One less motor cyclist splitting lanes.

Problem solved...

Besides... Even if lane splitting wasn't illegal it is stupid. You are
endangering your own life, which is not really a problem as such,
however if you don't die, then my 3rd party insurance pays to fix
your broken back etc... Which pisses me off. You act like a tool,
split lanes and do illegal crap, and ALL taxpayers foot the bill.
GROW UP, be a responsible part of society or stop riding.

My flame suit is on. Give it your best biatch.

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