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Old 17-04-2007, 10:03 AM
ImPreSiV ImPreSiV is offline
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Originally Posted by fobz
scenario will go something like this...
1. Bike splits lane. Bike dragging another bike at night in the rain (doing 180km)
2. Car driver stays in own lane. Car driver pulls out thinking its a car in the distance
3. Accident caused. Bike's crash into car
4. The coroner will find that the motorcyclist acted illegally causing accident. Court ruled car driver broke the law
5. Car driver escapes blame due to illegal behaviour of bike rider. car driver was charged, fined $1000 and lost licence for 2 years
6. Car driver lives, no injuries. car driver attempts suicide because he has been blamed for death of a motorcyclist being an ass
7. Insurance pays to fix car. insurance didn't wanna know
8. One less motor cyclist splitting lanes. one less motorcyclist... but is it worth it?
I have edited to show what happened to my friend...
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