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Old 30-04-2007, 10:46 AM
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ninjawrx ninjawrx is offline
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Freo Wharf.......

The MOST amazing one experience i had was while fishing down at the freo wharf.

I had just put a live bait out on my game rod
* (for people who dont know, its a whole live fish with a big hook through the fish's shoulder)

I didnt cast it out but i dropped it strait down off the edge of the wharf to the bottom. I then set the drag to free spool ( thats basiclly so if the fish pulls , it can run free and not pull the rod in.
I had smaller rods each side of this live bait rod that were cast out and just laying each side of the game rod.

We had invited this hottie barmaid (Liz) to come down with us and we were sitting back having a yarn when my game rod drag started to make the ratchet sound! Then line was getting pulled erratically!

As i ran over to the game rod to moniter it , i asked the Barmaid (liz) if she could pull in my smaller rod to the left of the game rod and my other mate (kristian) to pull in his rod to the right.

Now for the most freakiest bit !
Both smaller rods each side were reeled in and the line was just dangling over the edge of the wharf with the rods laying pionting over the edge.

All of a sudden there was a gentle tugging on the line on the game rod then the line on the small rod next to it was getting pulled strait down!

I jumped back in shock because what the hell was pulling on it if it wasnt in the water !!! It cant be a fish!

As i looked over the edge i seen a pair of hands hanging onto my line and reaching for the game rod line!!!
I yelled out "Leave my line alone fvckhead!" Then my mate kristian looked over the edge and seen the hands then "it" was pointing at the water!

The girl we took was freaked out bad! I walked down to the people next to us about 20-30meters away and asked them if they had weird **** happin like something from under the wharf pulling on fishing lines and they replied " No but where your fishing, a mans body was found under the wharf about 10yrs ago and thats when i rememberd that area where we were fishing was taped off 10 yrs ago with police tape!

There is no way it could of been a person because at 2am its pitch black under the wharf and at the section i was fishing there is no way you can get from the walkway under the wharf to where our lines were dangling down.

Liz no longer comes fishing down there now, freaked her out really bad!
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