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Old 30-04-2007, 09:38 PM
Sketchey Sketchey is offline
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Sketchey at standard level

Originally Posted by Smokey
I was under the impression he was talking about marked and unmarked (that become marked when they pull out the light and siren)

Not pulling over as in Constable noname in his wifes civic, or new recruit jimmy in his fulleh sik VN commodore.
And my post included a remark about VN commodores and Const Noname driving a Civic did it????

I made the post because in about 2002 i got followed by an unmarked car with a male and female occupant, the female was blonde and had big tits so I wrongly assumed it could not possibly be cops, and when they continued to follow me through backstreets of a suburb without any lights n sirens going I hot-footed it and when I was doing 140km/h in a 50 zone to escape the lights came out.

I explained my fear for safety and the response was "explain it when you come to court"

I only got off because I rang my lawyer and he spoke to the guys superior and explained the situation. But as the Sgt said to me when we spoke, if the officer in question, hadn't have been unreasonably following me & I did what I did I would have been charged.

End of the day, whether you me or the fat bastard down the road likes it or not, they are the cops, and as long as what they do is borderline or within the law, they can do you for most anything or waste your time trying. The only time you can get them on police harrassment normally is if its one officer repeatedly doing it.

They have a job to do, they put up with retards and scum of the earth, and can't be bothered (nor IMHO should they be) taking shit from some wanna-be tough guy in a sports car that thinks because he spends so much money making his car 'fulleh-sick' ,or whatever other term u wanna insert here, that he MUST be a responsible driver because he wouldn't want to damage his investment & suggests that the cop should have better things to do with his time.

End Rant
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