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Old 30-04-2007, 11:59 PM
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There seems to be a few further misconceptions here:

Originally Posted by Sketchey

I only got off because I rang my lawyer and he spoke to the guys superior and explained the situation. But as the Sgt said to me when we spoke, if the officer in question, hadn't have been unreasonably following me & I did what I did I would have been charged.
"Well der" is all I could say to that one! And I'm willing to bet you 'got off' because your lawyer demonstrated that he knew your rights, otherwise I guarantee the Sgt would not have dropped any charges whatsoever and you would have payed for it regardless of their error on this occasion!!

... they are the cops, and as long as what they do is borderline or within the law...
Sorry mate, but it can't be "borderline"! It is their duty to work from and adhere to the law to wich we all agree upon and abide by in this country, 'borderline' is where the trouble starts for ANY of us... no matter which side of the fence you are on!

They have a job to do, they put up with retards and scum of the earth, and can't be bothered (nor IMHO should they be) taking shit from some wanna-be tough guy in a sports car that thinks because he spends so much money making his car 'fulleh-sick' ,or whatever other term u wanna insert here...
LOL!! "Boo fricken hoo!" ... as we always say, "what did they think they were taking the job for- eating doughnuts?!" As I work closely alongside police and detectives I'll be the first to say I don't envy their job, but honestly if you can't take the heat get out of the bloody kitchen!! If it's not the endless mind-numbing paperwork that does your head in, it's the "scum" you refer to that you're constantly dealing with!!!
An officer's job is to remain calm and objective while upholding the law, they are trained for this- and 99% of them do an absolutely incredible job day in, day out. You really think some dumb-ass dude in a sports car should ruffle your feathers after you've been shot at 5 times for example??! Again, if a cop starts using the 'justifications' you've just gone and described above for their inappropriate actions I'd say they've taken it way too personal, forgotten their training, and/or possibly not the right type of personality for the job!
"...even my Grandma can drive fast in a straight line"
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