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Old 15-05-2007, 02:38 PM
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Default Increase speed limits in Perth

The speed laws in Australia are so antiquated. I've recently driven in Germany on the autobahns with people doing well in excess of 200 km/hr and all with relative safety. In France they have 2 different speeds, 140km/hr (for example) on highways, this drops to 110 when it's raining. Our speed limits were introduced decades ago when abs, vds, airbags, decent brakes etc etc didn't exist. I think it's time they were overhauled. Australia does have terrible stats for road fatalities, but the reason for this is not excessive speed, more a case of inappropriate speed. The amount of times I've read in Perth of some drunk p-plater in an old Commodore wrapping himself round a tree with his 4 mates whilst doing 170. Now the police and media jump on the fact that he was doing 170. Whereas the real problem lies in his intoxication, his old powerful car and his inexperience. They need to overhaul the speed limits, increasing them on freeways and open roads and reducing them for certain black-spots. For P-platers/inexperienced drivers there needs to be tighter control over what they can drive, time of day they can drive, how many people can drive etc. I personally would like to see a minimum age of 19 set for getting your license. And a driving test that is a lot more comprehensive.
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