Thread: 3 Word Story
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Old 15-05-2007, 03:18 PM
Subigrl Subigrl is offline
Sir AntiLag
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3 weeks ago i did a shit on a coppers front lawn and stole his hat and gun and then I ran to the old peoples home to grab some viagra tablets for my uncles pet who had problems. I like to play with my friends toy trucks and put them all in my trunk full of dead hookers and drugs that i stole from Ben Cousins when he left in his daewoo matiz convertible which was actually his meth lab and was found molesting a defenceless poodle named puffy. Ben and Puffy made a movie like paris hilton and her sex was quite entertaining. After the movie, my parole officer wanted to join in but his penis was too burnt from putting it in the hot apple pie. So he tried to use a four by two cab chassis but found that he couldnt get it to chuck skids inside puffy so he farted on mr psi's joint that looked like a dead gorrilla's left big toe that has alot unexplained mirrrored remotes. But the crusty demons of dirt intervened and ate bob dylans testicles covered in cheese. They proclaimed that the egyptian pyramids were used to produce things like jam donuts. But that was not good enough for the Pornstar Brianna because she likes the cock and the bananaphone song. Music in the mid to late 1900s BC was gurner styles until

Last edited by Subigrl; 15-05-2007 at 03:21 PM.