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Old 15-05-2007, 03:41 PM
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ndfourspd ndfourspd is offline
Sir AntiLag
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i have to say i'm with you joe. how come now days the way someone turns out is always someone elses fault. and why is it all of a sudden ok once they get offered a payout. i'm so sick to death of this crap. i'm tired of turning on the tv or radio and hearing how someone got a payout cause they were bullied at school or coz they ate macdonalds for breakfast, lunch and tea. its about time people start taking responsibility for how there life have turned out instead of blaming other. it use to be true that there was no such thing as free lunch. but things are starting to change. thats why you and me and everyone else, that are happy to get off there arse and actually go out and work, have to keep paying higher and higher prices for everything to cover the expenses of these people. sorry all but it does give me the absolute sh#ts. well thats my rant.
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