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Old 15-05-2007, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by STi Tuned
Na I'm all for it.. the school had a responsibility so fair enough they cop it.

I was picked on as a kid (yup I wasn't always the beef cake I am today).. and we’re not just talking about kids stealing your hat at recess or calling you names. I'm talking about proper harassment, when I was about 10/11 (yr 5ish). I had a kid a year younger single me out as a weaker kid.

He had a brother that was a year older then me, also a bully, so him and his mates also use to get in on it. I got punched in the face, pushed to the ground.. generally humiliated pretty much weekly. He followed me home (we lived close by) every day for about two years (I eventually moved to high school)

People on here are saying why not step up to em, like in the movies where you give em an ass whipping and you earn their respect. Well in reality if you pull any shit like that his older brother would have smacked my head in. I use to think about running up and grabbing his throat.. you know really go columbine on him. But if I did I'd have someone bigger and much scarier on my case.

Why didn’t I do anything about it? Well I did say something once and my mum went round there and spoke to his parents. But his parents didn’t give a shit so yeah I'm all for this 'Schools responsibility'. Back then if I knew the school had the power to expel him then I would have spoken up.

Looking back now you think ehh it’s all part of growing up. But reality is two years of my life was made hell cuz some piece of shit didn’t get breast fed enough as a kid.

If my kid ever had a bully I think I'd smack the shit out of the prick myself. I guess my point is sure this kid might be milking it and is a bit of a freak. But if the school didn't act on it they deserve everything they get.
so i really dont get where its the school responsibilty??? shouldn't it be the parents responsibility??? so if your parents take you to maccas everyday to feed you and you turn out a big fat pig then is it macdonalds fault or your parents??? so who do i sue my parents or macdonalds??? coz in the end it just comes down to some getting sue to make it right. so how does giving someone a million dollars solve the problem??? if i was the judge i would be telling you to get some counselling or go on a diet. but they dont want to hear that. all they want is to see the $$$$$ signs. if people weren't getting payouts then you would never see or hear any of this. its bullshit. i protected my little brother all through high school and trust me it was no walk in the park for me either. but he still turned out bad. so you tell do you solve the problem. there will always be problem children and thats that. always something....not enough time on the breast, my parents favoured the youngest or oldest the most...they didn't love me enough boo hoo. so now i have to sue my parents. what is this world coming to!!!!!!! or maybe i'm just rambling.....sorry i'm just sick of it. dont you think the problem is bad enough with a shortage of teachers. i know i wouldn't want to be 1 now days. everybody's suing everybody. friends against friends, families against families. you see

Last edited by ndfourspd; 15-05-2007 at 06:15 PM.
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