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Old 15-05-2007, 07:35 PM
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Flat Four Father
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urabus knows their stuff

Apparently the mother has had phycological issues / treatment aswell. Father has not copped a mention so he probably cottoned on to what the mother was like and cleared out.

I am not a fan of violence at all and in my entire time at school I got into 1 fight (with a guy that was being a bully) but you always gave as good as you got. At the end of it the bully respects the kid that stands up to him.

This kid has come out and said he can never work / get a root / study etc. What is he going to do when he has finished spending his mill on broadband and maccas.

I work in construction. If I took on everytime someone called me a cnut I would be owed plenty. You call him one back sort out the issue and get on with life.

If it was so bad and the school resolutely refused to do anything why did she not at least try and send him to another school? I'll tell you is far easier to be a victim than get off your ass and do something about it.

If he lost some weight he could go full emo spec. Just remember son when you cut your arm it is down the road (elbow to wrist) not accross the street (wrist to wrist).
Losing is worse than death. You have to live with losing....
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