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Old 15-05-2007, 07:53 PM
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I saw the parents and sister being interviewed on one of those morning news show things this morning... so the Mum and DAd are still in the picture...

I would say that to a certain extent the school has responsibility - ESPECIALLY if the problem has been reported to them and they are aware of it.. for them to have said "bullying is character building" is outrageous.. obviously it was many years ago.. but fuck ! I think if they are made aware of the problem its their responsibility to keep and eye on the bully.. and to take disciplinary action if necessary... detention/suspension/ expelling the kid.
But also yes.. the parents need to take responsibility too. why would you leave your kid in a school for so long if he was being bullied so badly.. if I wasnt having any luck getting the school to deal with the problem.. pull the fucking kid out of school BEFORE he gets strangled ! not after !

i can understand that the kid would be fucked up... some ppl are more sensitive than others.. and as someone pointed out earlier.. not everyone has the balls to go hit the bully.. and sometimes that could make the situation worse not better.

I got teased mercilessly in high school for having no boobs ! (go figure lol) .. my nickname ended up being surfboard ! went home from school crying n shit.. but high school ended.. boobs sprouted overnight and hey presto I was over it.. but not everyone can bounce back so well. and now its oh so fun to run into those fuckers these days!!! NOW LOOK AT MY SURFBOARD CHEST FUCKHEADS !! hahah

-my 4cents
2006 Bitsamissing Ralliart Colt - WannaBE Evo
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