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Old 15-05-2007, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by STi Tuned
It's a pretty interesting topic really..

This thread kinda shows that most people don't have a grasp on what bullying really is. It's not just missing out on playing kiss chasse or getting called names. It's constant harassment.. I mean now they have cyber bullying with SMS and MSN. Fark me.

I’m pretty normal.. but I still clearly remember sitting in my room with this disused light switch. I use to flick it pretending it was the detonator of a bomb blowing up the kids house, I did that a lot. Luckily the only impressions it left on me is I farken can’t stand mob mentality and I’m passionate about sticking up for friends.

But what I endured is nothing compared to this kid. I come from a 2.5 family and had a really fortunate upbringing but you can see why these school yard shootings are getting more frequent. And given the alternative I think it’s better the kid sues for a mill rather then head into school with a glock.
I think a few of the "toughen up princess" crew (me included) got a solid bullying at school but these days WTF you expect the teachers to do? Its not their responsibility anymore. Joe can tell u first hand that Mandee cant do SFA in situtations like this. My mrs is in the same boat and they cant even give a kid panadol if they have a headache FFS...

You can warn the kid, can make them pick up rubbish but its just gonna get worse until the person being bullied sticks up for themselves. The teachers are powerless cause the do-gooder parents carry on and whinge when their kids get in trouble

I can go on and tell u how i was bullied at high school, skipped school for almost a term, had meetings with a counsellor etc but then i realised only way to stop these fuckers were to grab them in the middle of class and drop them in front of their mates. Kids ARE cruel, thats never going to change so i suggest the weak toughen up. My old man always told me to stand up for myself and looking back now, it worked and i only regret not doing it straight away all those times it happened. I'll make sure my kids stand up for themselves.

Or if u guys that whinge about being bullied that much, why didnt u take self defence / attack lessons and fucken used them. At worst the schools gonna give u suspension and from my 3 or 4 experiences, its fun

Fanta Pants is just taking the easy way out IMHO (and mums probably laughin as we speak ) and if you guys all got bullied that much, then why dont u take the education dept. to court and see what happens?

Edit, if your being bullied on MSN (and im sure there are many kids who are) and cant stop it, then u really are a weak sod who deserves it. Turn off the internet and go make some friends. Lots of places available to find some mates!

Last edited by Mat; 15-05-2007 at 11:36 PM.
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