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Old 16-05-2007, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by STi Tuned
Hey ok.. first off paragraphs my friend, we need more paragraphs.

Second I dunno if this Macca’s/fast food analogy is the same? I gave you an example where parents have spoken to the parents of a bully and that’s just aggravated the situation. Your analogy is kinda like the parents dropping the kid off at the bully’s house after school. So yeah that would be the parents fault… but as you can see that isn’t really what were talking about

This one you answered yourself here….

You know here at Telstra we had to do a two hr online course in bullying for EEO (equal employment opportunities). At 28 years of age I’m getting taught how to identify bullies, what to do if I’m subject to bullying, what constitutes bullying… the kinda stuff would have been good about 18 years earlier.

Were all in agreeance that the amounts out of whack, but shit like this brings attention to it so whatever.. good on him. If my kid had a teacher that responded like that and I thought that the systems in place were negligent for something that’s hardly a new issue. Then Fark yeah I’d go for a mil as well.
thats a good idea. i got bullied at school too mate. so here is what i suggest. let everyone sue the government. let them close the schools and have the parent school there kids from home. there you go.... problem solved. no more bullying at school.

so what do you do about the kids at the local deli or shops that call you names?? do you ask for his details and say "see you in court"?? like swapping insurance details after a car accident.

all i'm trying to say is that giving this kid a million dollars is going to fix anything. coz i can garantee he'll blow it and will be looking for a handout again. thats what these people do. once they start getting handout, thats how they live.

my suggestion was to offer counselling and maybe someone to help this kid lose weight. so your telling me this kid is going to solve his issue by getting this money?? sure mate. hes not going to turn around and say to himself "i've got a million bucks and now i can get my issues resolved". no way. he'll more than likely brag that he has this money, get a couple of penny pinching friends, and when there no more money. he wont have any friends either. and guess what he's still that same bullied little boy.

i'm just saying "i would love to see these people's faces" that are suing, if the judge turned around and gave them indefinite counselling and some personal training, instead of the money. it all about the money.

dont get me wrong.....had the bullies broke the kid's leg or arm or something like that. then yes he would need to be compensated for inconvenience. but what would you do if this happened outside of school ground??? whos at fault then?? do you stil sue the government coz it happened in a park or on the footpaths that actually owned by the government?? its only coz theres a chance at money that these people go to court to sue. if the judge started handing compensation to resolve the problem instead of just money. thing would be alot different....

Last edited by ndfourspd; 16-05-2007 at 03:12 AM.
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