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Old 16-05-2007, 09:53 AM
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“I think a few of the "toughen up princess" crew (me included) got a solid bullying at school but these days WTF you expect the teachers to do? Its not their responsibility anymore. Joe can tell u first hand that Mandee cant do SFA in situtations like this. My mrs is in the same boat and they cant even give a kid panadol if they have a headache FFS...”
So this kids suing the school/government right? If your saying the school is powerless and it’s ‘not their responsibility anymore’. Then don’t you think a case like this will change that for the better. What I’m saying is that teaches should be able to do “SFA”, there should be more education in schools about it. Campaigns, systems.. picking on a kid, in particular physically shouldn’t have a boundary of in school hrs and the schools clearly need more power to control this.

“I can go on and tell u how i was bullied at high school, skipped school for almost a term, had meetings with a counsellor etc but then i realised only way to stop these fuckers were to grab them in the middle of class and drop them in front of their mates. Kids ARE cruel, thats never going to change so i suggest the weak toughen up. My old man always told me to stand up for myself and looking back now, it worked and i only regret not doing it straight away all those times it happened. I'll make sure my kids stand up for themselves.”
What if the kids bigger, what if the kids got older brothers.. what if the kid is a nut job that’s capable of much more then just smacking ya around. This isn’t the farken wonder years, you can’t just tell ya son ‘son you have to smack that bully down and you’ll earn his respect’. Fark that, if a kids bullying he should be suspended/expelled. Bullying should be seen as that much of a problem that all kids know the clear and harsh consequences of doing it.

“Or if u guys that whinge about being bullied that much, why didn’t u take self defence / attack lessons and fucken used them. At worst the schools gonna give u suspension and from my 3 or 4 experiences, its fun”
A martial art is one of the things I always regret doing. My parents didn’t push me into it and because I was such a runt (and only 11) I didn’t think it was for me. I'm not a phsyical guy, I don't have a fighting bone in my body so no I wasn't thinking I'm going to go eat pasta 4 meals a day work out on the bags and then smack the fark out of him. Thats just not how 12yo's think mate.

This kid was only in year 1 so I don’t really see how this would have helped him tho? Then in later life his self esteem would have been so low that he couldn’t stop eating let alone plan a chuck Norris style revenge attack.

So you boys both got bullied at school… and matt you smacked him in the head in the end? … but what about when it’s more then one, maybe it’s a few kids in a few different years? And what if they’ve been smacking you in class? You really think that you getting just 1 up on them would make any difference.

“so what do you do about the kids at the local deli or shops that call you names?? do you ask for his details and say "see you in court"?? like swapping insurance details after a car accident.”
Dude I don’t know how to answer that… it’s so far removed from constant physical abuse when your only 5-11 years old that I really don’t know what you mean?
Ho's gotta eat too

Last edited by STi Tuned; 16-05-2007 at 09:58 AM.
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