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Old 16-05-2007, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ndfourspd
alright.....i'll put it this way! you say "why dont they suspend / expell them". but dont you just think that will make things worst for the kid in question?? dont you think that the other person wont just wait for that kid to step off school grounds??
Ahh... well yeah if the kids going to another school he'd have to ride a pretty mean treddily in order to get back to his old school and cause shit. And if kids knew the outcome of bullying was suspension the older brother might also think twice.

I mean this bullying is all about power, if the victim has the power (eg the power to get a mill out of it) then the cycle will change.

And I'm not just talking about expelling or suspension I'm talking about education. We heard from a teacher earlier on, maybe he can tell us what kind of programs are in place at schools. Are the kids being taught how to identify it, are they being equipped with coping mechanisms to deal with it?

The answer may not be to give him a million bucks but it's also not "ahh it's all part of schooling", "There just kids" or "just punch him back". Teachers need more power and to take on more responsibility, kids need to be better educated on it and systems that work need to be put in place.

No kid should have to spend every day in fear while he's trying to get an education. And if your telling me there's no answer for that then fark me... think harder.
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