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Old 05-06-2007, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by AC Schnitzer
And I suppose you are the Master of Windows vista, Mac OS, Linux, QNX, VxWorks ?
Acutally yes I would say I am. I was a beta tester for Vista, XP and a few office versions, tested x86 Mac OSX, ran Darwin, Solaris, of course used Linux in mutliple varieties (even built linux from scatch many moons ago), QNX/VxWorks are just other unix clones, so nothing flash there and I have an AS/400 in my shed. I also change operating systems more than I shower.

But rather than bat myself off, I was making the point that despite the many cables, monitors, input devices and various programs on them, people manage to use them quite fine, as it doesn't matter what your mouse looks like, they all function in nearly the same way.

To tune a car is the same regardless of ECU. The ECU is what limits the tuner if they are good at what they do. If a tuner can't tune a particular product it is either becuase they do not have the experience and software to interface it, or they refuse to work with a particular ECU because it is useless. Gains are made upgrading your ECU due to the extra functions and resolution the new ECU can offer.

Personally I would like to see that a tuner has a vast experience tuning a variety of cars and ECU's. If there is positive feedback from past clients, this would usually indicate the tuner knows what they are doing and aren't just blindly following the handbook that came with the ECU.
[COLOR="Gray"]550Nm off a 2L... Just wish it was in the dak dak...[/COLOR]
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