Thread: Photo Gallery
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Old 20-07-2007, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by TopGear
What sort of Photography are you into? it all depends really I think that Photoshop can make a somewhat average photo into a great photo, I do agree with you though the original photo still has to be taken well you cant try and make a bad photo good by using photoshop. The photos are nice I like the sydney Habour bridge one! one thing I would pick is they look like there on the piss straighten up those horizons after looking at many photos this stands out alot! with the last photo I would have liked to seen more sky and less water. I say read on the Internet there is so much information about photography on the net and heaps of Pro photographers that will answer your questions on the forums.

Yes a hot-shoe spirit level is on its way from Stu the sydney harbour bridge, i just had to be quick...the sun was setting. I'm not making any excuses so i decided to invest in that spirit level.

I love landscapes...but having said that i love playing with the depth of field too (50mm f1.8)...there is one place in Perth (MT henry bridge, fwy south, heading south, after you pass the bridge, on the left looking towards North East). Every morning i pass that point on the bus, the sun rises above the water, makes quite a spectacle.The sun will move as the spring moves in so now is the best time i reckon. So if anyone's interested...
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