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Old 01-08-2007, 12:56 PM
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MKVIGTI at standard level

Originally Posted by Mister Two
HA HA! Commonwhore!

Reminds me of something that happened a few years back.

I was driving up Crimea street in Morley when this VN commodore V6 started to rev his engine and tried to bait me into racing him. I was in my old work Hyundai excel with a cannon exhaust. I ignored him and he got the message. He backed off and just drove normally. We were approaching the roundabout at the end of Crimea St when I remembered a Speed camera that was around the corner that I saw on the way coming into morley an hour ago. So we were at the lights just before the roundabout. Lights go green and we both take off normally, not racing. I waited till he was in second gear when I punched it in first and took off ahead of him he floors it too. I got a couple car lengths on him. Just after I got around the roundabout turning left I jump on the brakes and let him go flying past me at well over 100kph. And FLASH! He got busted and I laugh so hard like the evil bastard I am.
My sisters ex used to be a complete wally in his charade. Stuff like not braking for lights till the last arrow and crap like that. Real smart.

He did have one great trick though would bait wallies at red light cameras. Watch till the lights the other way hit red and dump clutch ( with the park brake hard on ) the tires spin the opponent goes. Congratulations wanker you just got a ticket.

He managed to get about a dozen fools like this. Can't say I felt sorry for any of them.
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