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Old 05-08-2007, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Sphoolin
Thou who has not sinned shall cast the first stone. I know ive run em specially on cruises on the odd occasion. Just depends what you call "running a red". Half a second in an intersection 5 seconds into it etc.

Im pretty sure Downer Engineering who have the contract for traffic lighting throughout Perth (from what i know) actually set delays on the timers to allow for EVERYONE to be out of the intersection before entering it.
Pfft, never said Ive never done it, Im just saying, theres no excuse for doing it..... so if theres redlight cameras, theres no point bitching about it.

Originally Posted by WagonRS
Agreed, but when your pulling 40+ ton behind you in a B double, and your in the burbs, somtimes you have no choice. Traffic light timing can change from suburb to suburb depending on the type of traffic (eg mostly cars) thats where I get caught out. Sometimes you just cant pull up in time..
Yeah, well I was thinking of a car, not a truck,, but I am aware theres an occasion where you have to, my brother got flashed by a redlight camera, because he went through because the truck behind him was going to be able to stop in time, despite him arguing that, and them having photographic evidence of a truck with smoke pooring off the tyres like a few seconds later, he still had to wear the fine.

and, personally, I received one for going through a redlight to move out the way for an ambulance to get through, which did get waivered when I queried it.
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