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Old 05-08-2007, 07:09 PM
Five8 Five8 is offline
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Five8 at standard level

Originally Posted by Sphoolin
Thank god i didnt cut the bottom of my bumper like that. I was going to, but sean at ASG informed me of the tackyness and its only now i actually realise how horribly botched it looks.
Actually now that you mention it, the bumper is looking really tacky and the more I look at it, the more Im put off.
Originally Posted by Sphoolin
Go the second one, or buy EVL's WRX. Personally its not too hard a choice. If you cant really afford to buy the car and have a few G left over for insurance or emergency cash maybe you should save for a bit more. Not telling you how to spend your cash, just making an observation
The money isn't really an issue but I don't want to go outside my budget, pretty strict in that aspect, it would just be a cruiser...a weekend car so didn't really want to spend too much on a 2nd car.
Originally Posted by BALISTC
If the owner botched that first one with ugly rims, a FMIC abortion and those awful stripes, I wonder how the rest of the car is modified? More than likely with the same level of quality.
Having a closer look at the 1st one, your right neons under the dash + ugly stripes + L/P plates + WRX = disaster. Good advice but the rims don't look to bad IMO.
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