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Old 15-08-2007, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by mr_psi
i was told this is not allowed as you are not insured to be in the car whilst the inspector is driving....
Utter horse shit

Its your fucking car, not theres, it your insurance, the only reason they don't want you in there is so they can flog the ring out of it

its your property, you wouldn't let someone in your house without your permission, and they sure as fuck are not allowed to drive your car without your permission, be it with you in it, or if you want to stay behind go for it, but to tell you your not allowed to ride in your _own_ car while they drive it, is utter rubbish

tell the inspector to pull the cock out of his arse next time they try that crap and tell them if they won't let you ride in your own car, they can fuck off and find an inspector who isn't such an idiot...

if they won't let you ride in your own car because of insurance, then WTF are they even doing driving the fucking thing, given its not there car, and i doubt the insurance the pits has covers your car if they total the thing, itd be a case of too bad, too sad..

ive never ever let my car leave the pits without me in the passenger seat, and ill be fucked if id ever let a pit inspector in any of my cars without me in it, as its _my_ property, and i have every right to watch how they treat it..
Jesus Built my car, Its a love affair, Mainly Jesus and my hotrod
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