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Old 23-11-2005, 03:03 PM
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DCCD Donut Driver
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quote " Human rights are a high priority for the Government. Civil and political rights are ranked equally with economic, social and cultural rights " its good to take the moral high ground, but in reality no government is going to cut off its nose to spite its face and ban trade or any other business dealing with singapore, i dont think so....singapore in my limited opinion take the view that is important to look after the collective to maintain the stability and protection of the people, rather than looking after the needs of a very small minority that make illegal monies and at the same time spread disease and death amongst our community.. of which it may be our love 1s or friend on the end of a needle, plus theres the social, medical costs of drug addicts that is bourne by the community....all because of these drug pushers greed and little value of other humans lives...but does he desrves to die, who iam i to judge singapore or other countries that use the death penalty as tool as weapon to fight crime.. many states in the US use the death penalty and impose harder life sentences of mutiply life times sentences.. so whos would be good if there was no crime, but man being man cant help himself, so some countries adopt penlties for the protection of their citizens... and god help idiots that abuse those laws of that country......amen...
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