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Old 23-11-2005, 09:54 PM
DANinQLD DANinQLD is offline
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I don't agree with capital punishment.
Been plenty of innocent people who have been killed over the last couple of hundred years... (obviously this guy isnt innocent...)

Legalise all drugs worldwide is my motto, governent run drug labs, profit goes to education and rehabiliation... people choose to take whatever 'pure' drugs they like.. and live with the consequences... just like every legal drug... a certain % will be abusers.

Who the fuck does the governments worldwide think they are telling me what I can and can't do with my body... go and get fucked.

I have no problem with people being punished under current laws... but taking someones life is the only exception... and to all the haters who say... 'he knew what the crime was....' put yourself in his shoes for a moment.... get rid of all the bullshit.. and just imagine really sitting on death row.. walking to the gallows... getting a noose around your neck... and imagine hearing the clang... is that justice?

Its cold blooded murder....

On the other end of the spectrum.... I don't have a problem with say a father killing his daughters rapist... as a reaction/revenge attack... thats pure emotion.. and not a calculated lengthy... cold blooded killing. Its done from pure rage and emotion...and insticts.... if that makes sense.... :/
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