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Old 24-11-2005, 07:24 AM
Flat Four Father
Join Date: Jul 2005
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NVRENUF at standard level

My Mum lives in balcatta as well Few blocks From me. she has clean water hasnt left marks at all she has a Submersable (spelling) Bore god knows how deep but when they fixed it the other day and pulled the pipe out it was long.
and the sumbersable bore dont have those big ugly tin lids on your yard .

I rang huges & hoyle they said they would have to send a contracter out to see how deep to water i am. other places can look on there cpmputers but none have called back yet. So sitll waiting..

but they said depending on water depth 2500 to 4grand
2 grand ok.. but 3 to 4 grand id rather just water on 2 days a week haha.
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