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Old 10-11-2007, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve_Richards
its not slower if you can do it properly.....also you need to rev it when the clutch is out otherwise its not doign anything.
so your saying you can have the clutch out, put it in, shift to neutral, let the clutch out, blip the throttle, put clutch in, shift to the lower gear and let the clutch out quicker than just putting the clutch in, shift to lower gear, let clutch out?

Assuming its the same driver with the same skills of course...

I cant see it. ... and do not understand why it would be necessary in cars with such low engine/flywheel inertia...

but if you want to do it then thats fine...I do it only to go back into first when moving quickish...You can feel in the gearstick when its needed and when it isn't.
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