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Old 19-11-2007, 06:22 PM
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i reckon it was just a fear mongering installed with some bogus research.. if their was any real evidence it would lead to another great depression imo.
think of it this way, public transport can barely cope with a sporting event or bdo's imagine how its going to cope with the whole of perth using it especially when upgrades are going to take as long as the mandurah project! going to have alot of lost jobs/ loss productivity if no-one can get to work.

say goodbye to the mining boom which is currently supporting the rest of australia, all the dump trucks/ road tains/ diggers using 100's of litres of diesel a day etc will make the cost of production go through the roof and china india will go elsewhere closer to home, either that or stop growing like crazy.

as mentioned earlier, the price of groceries etc go through the roof, inflation goes through the roof, interest rates follow.. lots of families will be struggling.

obviously filling up will be the least of our worries, but it sure will piss me off paying 50 odd grand on a car that i wont be able to afford/ sell !
Twin scroll Pig Bi-Squeeling
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