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Old 20-11-2007, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by BALISTC
You've been watching too much Today Tonight
Today Tonight 0wns j00

No matter what happens we will never run out of "fuel" even if we run out of oil. Hence the reason why oil companies are diversifying nowadays.

For example you see BP throwing millions into solar cell research and development of renewable energy technology - Not to mention that they own one of the bigger market shares of the solar cell market.

Biodiesel is just one of the proven technologies which can be implemented in short time frames. Not to mention that it can be done cheaply too.

Ethanol is still being worked on, but it's almost there.

Clean coal technologies - Gassification, geosequestration, etc. Long way to go, but they will get there.

Natural Gas - With reserves like ours here in WA, ROFL @ not being able to drive a car for the next 40 years.

Biomass/Renewables for power generation - Reducing coal consumption.

Nuclear - Say what you like, and to all you haters, nuclear FTW. When it comes to technology, disasters, etc - Get your stories straight, please. It has a lot to offer.

Hydrogen - Say what you want, but the myth that it will solve our energy crisis doesn't have much ground to work off. At the end of the day you have to produce hydrogen through electrolisation (Which requires electricity from a power station - Be it renewable, coal, gas, etc.) or extract it from petroleum, so as for saving the world - It may help in implementing technology, but it hasn't got much to speak for at the moment.

Peak oil was long ago, but we still have plenty left. It is just something which will get things moving more quickly. Notice the sudden rush over the last few years to look at alternative energy sources? The last time that happened was in the 70's and since then we have had a phenomenal development in alternative energy sources. So it shows that once people start getting worried, things start to happen.

Once again - Happy motoring
TD06 - Oink.
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