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Old 07-12-2007, 10:11 AM
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i for one, think we need a thread were everyone can vent their anger after a frustrating experience on the road. seems to be alot of these popping up.

Here's my story from yesterday. Driving along mitchell freeway and there was a bit of roadworks going on. speed limit around the works was 60, and the night before i picked up a speed camera on the detector in this area, so i slowed right down to 60 in the very left hand lane. all of a sudden some lancer was right up my ass honkin the horn and had his finger up, i wasnt even trying to piss anyone off so this just made me want to provoke him a little more.

as soon as we were back in the 100 zone which happenned to be the same point were he could of changed lanes to overtake, dropped back to 3rd and took off. turned down orrong rd to go through the tunnel and just sat happily on 80. the lancer was right up my ass again. few taps of the brake and he was still there honkin his horn and carrying on like a tool.

he finally overtook on the inside but got caught behind slower traffic before he could get back in the right lane. as i was passing him he made a couple of swerves as though he was going to hit me... poor bastard nearly lost control doing so. then made gestures as though he wanted me to pull over and have a go for it. i dont really get off on beating up 40 yr old men so i just kept driving.

All in all it didn't get me too upset, just a bit confused what he was so uptight about.
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