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Old 18-12-2007, 04:44 PM
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meatbag at standard level

shouldn't need two amps to power that thing. actually you'd get the same power into it by running it in series by one amp @ 2ohm as you would get running two amps each running one voice coil. Its also a bad idea to run a single sub off two amps unless you know a lot about what you are doing and have a voltmeter (i think thats the name of the tool im thinking of?) to match each amps power with the gains.

750w @ 2 ohm comes pretty cheap these days. shouldnt be hard at all to find an amp for around $300 second hand that could power that sufficiently. i think i sold my last amp that made 900wrms for $250 not to long ago and it was practically brand new.

look for something that makes between 750 - 1000 w RMS @ 2 ohm and you'll be laughing. unless you've already got the 1507's - in which case more info on them...
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